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"You wait!" said the grinning foreman. "You watch him. Don't pay no 'tention to me." Corliss smiled. Shoop's many and devious methods of estimating character had their humorous angles. The rancher appreciated a joke quite as much as did any of his employees, but usually as a spectator and not a participant.

The serjeant laughed at his ready adoption of our words, and we laughed too, but he cried "'Tention!" again, and now made us stand face to face on guard, manipulating us and walking round till he had us exactly to his taste, when he suddenly remembered something, and, taking a piece of chalk from his pocket, he drew a line between us, and then raised our hands with their huge gloves to the pitch he considered correct.

"How dare you, sir! How dare you stand there, with that rabbit and that wretched ferret! Don't you see that there are ladies present, sir. 'Tention! Put them away. Dress!" "Here, stop," said my uncle sharply, as he looked round, "We have interrupted some business." "No, no, no, no, my dear boy! nothing, nothing!" cried the General. "Mere trifle."

If she don't beat the Dutch!" "This is a jelly-making scheme," returned Peace, with comical dignity. "There is no money in it." "Oh! Well, don't you know that raspberries are expensive?" "Most people's are, but you never paid any 'tention to yours, so I thought you would be glad to get rid of them for little or nothing." "Oho!" he teased. "Begging again!" "I'm not!" Peace denied hotly.

"Then I'll be d -d if I run the risk of calling. I have done some things in this town by way of business before now; and though it's a long time ago, yet folks don't forget a haundsome man in a hurry especially if he has done 'em! Now, then, listen to me. You see, I have given this matter all the 'tention in my power.

Sir, there's a gulf atween 'em. I went into the pit when I was five year old, and I count forty year in the service come Martinmas, and a very good age, sir, for a man what does his work, and I knows what I'm speaking about. In forty year, sir, a man sees a pretty deal, 'specially when he don't move out of the same spot and keeps his 'tention.

In fact, as we entered the room, we found that the table and chairs had been taken out, and the little square of carpet and hearthrug rolled up together and stood in a corner, while on the window sill lay the two pairs of boxing-gloves, like four hugely swollen giants' hands, and they looked so ridiculous that we both laughed. "'Tention!" cried Lomax, shutting and bolting the door. "Business!

"How dare you, sir!" says Captain Dyer sternly, though I could see plainly enough it was only for discipline, for he was, I thought pleased at Measles wanting to be in the thick of it. Then he shouts again to Measles, "'Tention present arms!" and Measles falls into his right position for a sentry when troops are marching past.

Sure enough, there was the barber, sitting on the cross-piece, and the steer pawing dirt underneath. "'He done made me come a fast heat from de cohner, says the barber. 'I kep' hollerin' "next!" but he ain't pay no 'tention he make it "next" fur me, shuah! Yah, yah, yah! You gents orter seen me start at de bottom, an' slide all de way up disyer telegraft pole!

I couldn't eat them in a year and real, sure-enough bets mean something better than suckers." "Wall, Miss Bev'ly, I aint rightly knowin' what kind o' lollypops is in them boxes, most times folks jist helps theirselves an' I don't pay no 'tention ter the brand. It's all candy, I reckon," answered the shop keeper, drawing two or three boxes from his case and placing them upon his counter.