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The trouble with me is that I can't understand how a bein' as turns out worlds as if they was nothin' more nor snow-balls would think o' stoppin' to pay 'tention to sech a feller as Jim Fenton." "You are larger than a sparrow, Jim," says Mr. Benedict with a smile. "That's so." "Larger than a hair."

Co'se she nev' tuck an' pay no 'tention, 'cause Miss Julia, she nev' pay no 'tention to nobody; an' she like caller have nice time she ain' goin' tell 'em you' grampaw make such a fuss.

"When you can ride well without a saddle, you shall have one. Now: no more talking. 'Tention! By your right March!" The horse started off without my influencing him in the slightest degree, but before we had got ten yards, the sergeant's stern, "Halt!" rang out again, and the horse stopped as suddenly as before, but I was aware of it this time, and gripped him hard with my knees. "Good. Well done.

'Sides, der ain't no 'cashun fer it. Ef we keeps de stable pure an' de food good an' gives de horse de right kind of exercise an' plenty of 'tention, de hufs will take care ob demselves," and he held Caesar's foot up for her inspection. "Halloo, Evadne, are you taking lessons in farriery? What's the matter, Pompey?

I's tolerbul sho' he wouldn't 'low yer ter git twict es many licks, nohow. Mos' Hawton's tolerbul good ter his black folks, ain't he?" "Yes, tolerbul to the house-sarvants he's got in town; but he jist goes 'long mindin' his business thar', an' don't pay no 'tention sca'cely ter his plantation. He don't want us ter come 'plainin' ter him.

Had her uncle and aunt been wise they would have interfered in this occupation, or at least, they would not have encouraged it. Janice lost her cheerfulness and her rosy cheeks. Aunt 'Mira declared she drooped "like a sick chicken." "Ye mustn't pay so much 'tention to them papers," she complained. "I never did think much o' N'York daily papers, nohow. They don't have 'nuff stories in 'em."

And don't ye s'pose ye can go out here a little ways behind a tree and pray? I'll hold on to the dog; an' it seems to me, if I was the Lord, I sh'd pay 'tention to what a little feller like you was sayin'. There ain't nobody here but you to do it now, ye know. I can nuss your pa and fix his vittles, and set up with 'im nights, but I can't pray. I wasn't brung up to it.

Now de doctor's jes tearin' his shirt to git her out, he's so skeered she'll do what she says." Sandy laughed in spite of himself, and Aunt Melvy wagged her head knowingly. "He needn't pester hisseif 'bout dat. Now Mr. Carter's 'bout to die, an' you's shut up in jail, she's done turnin' her 'tention on Mr. Sid Gray.

But there was a bloom of punctuality, so to speak, about these eggs of Bourg, as if it had been the in- tention of the very hens themselves that they should be promptly served. "Nous sommes en Bresse, et le beurre n'est pas mauvais," the landlady said, with a sort of dry coquetry, as she placed this article before me.

The soldiers uttered a fierce yell, and as others crowded to back and front I heard a burst of excited ejaculations, oaths, and threats. "'Tention!" shouted the officer. "Now then," he cried, "who are you? Oh, I see you both belong to the Light Horse." "Yes," I said, for Denham was speechless. "They took us last night as we were trying to creep through their lines to come to you for help."