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This time he hits her a lick that lays her out and likes to kill her, and it gets him scared. But she gets around agin after a while, and they both see it has went too fur that time, and so they makes up. "Elmira, I give in," says Hank. "His name is Dunne." "No," says she, tender-like, "you was right, Hank. His name is Company." So they pretty near got into another row over that.

'I am a rough man, Ratsey resumed, 'but tender-like withal, and when I saw her weep, I ran off to the church to tell the parson how it was, and beg him to come out and try if we two could lift the coffin. So out he came just as he was, with surplice on his back and book in hand.

"I, oh no, Miss, I can't take all the credit. Sarah, there, she has taken to me very much since my Bob died, and she said to me the day of his funeral, when her heart was soft and tender-like, 'Grandfather, tell me what I can do to comfort you. 'Oh, child, says I, 'my grief is too deep for you to touch, but you are a kind girl, I'll tell you what to do to-night.

Cain't yeh send it down the flume? Please say yeh will. I'll take the best kind o' keer of it. It sha'n't git a single scratch. "Mr. Sneath he looks at her a minute kinder tender-like, an' I knowed them big eyes o' hern was a-doin' their work. Them big soft baby eyes would 'a' drawed sap outer a dead log. "'Wal, says he, 'we'll see. If Mrs. Sneath's willin' I guess it'll be all right.

Other times they was soft and tender-like, and bright as stars, with a look in 'em which I know now was kinder, well, kinder crazy-like, you know." Eloise had heard many things said of her own eyes, but never before that they were crazy-like, and did not feel greatly complimented. She laughed, however, and said she would like to see the lady whose eyes hers were like. Before Mrs.