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But no one will ever say of the divine Temple-Builder: He began to build and was not able to finish.

BLACK. Pythagoras called this color the symbol of the evil principle in nature. It was equivalent to darkness, which is the antagonist of light. But in masonic symbolism the interpretation is different. There, black is a symbol of grief, and always refers to the fate of the temple-builder.

What was true about him primarily is thereby shown to have a bearing upon the greater Son of David who was to come thereafter, and who was to build the Temple of the Lord. In that aspect I desire to look at the words now: 'His hands have laid the foundation of the house, and His hands shall also finish it. I. There is, then, here a large truth as to Christ, the true Temple-builder.

If the statements just quoted do not place the secret society of Masonry on a footing decidedly Pagan, it is difficult to say just where it does stand.... "Tammuz, or Osiris of Egypt, who is declared to be the original of Hiram Abiff the temple-builder, is still mourned for. Ezek. 8:14. See Young's Analytical Concordance or any standard Greek Mythology. Now see Piersons' Traditions of Freemasonry.