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Of course, there isn't any paper connected with it, except the pad the editor doodles on. What gets to the public is photoprint, out of a teleprinter. As small as our circulation is, we have four or five hundred of them in Port Sandor and around among the small settlements in the archipelago, and even on the mainland.

Well, good luck, Bob, I thought, if you don't make it, as you probably won't, your wife can always hang your posthumous medals on the hallstand together with all the bowler hats. Not having touched a teleprinter for a couple of years I said, "It's no use, sarge, I'll fail, it's a waste of time."

We had teleprinter links between Plymouth, Portsmouth, Bristol and Reading and apart from any other correspondence there were the daily rituals; firstly the "colours of the day", given to us by NAALO were broadcast to all the gun sites so that friendly aircraft would not be fired upon, and secondly each night an ammunition report would be sent by the three companies to Reading.

He was setting up the story of the fight in Martian Joe's a "local bar," of course; nobody ever gets shot or stabbed or slashed or slugged in anything else. All the news is fit to print, sure, but you can't give your advertisers and teleprinter customers any worse name than they have already. A paper has to use some judgment. Then Dad and Bish and I went down to dinner.

There was a short pause as he looked over the papers in front of him and then, "You are now a teleprinter operator class III. Dismiss." A smart salute, about turn, quick march and I was out of the Company Office with an extra shilling a day but there was now no way my employers could claim me back even if they wanted to.

Life was exciting, we were free from parental control and we were on the verge of something big though in the background there was this little niggle of apprehension about the future. Early on my inadequacy as a teleprinter operator was discovered by an RAF corporal whom I had last seen as a 13 year old when he lived a couple of doors away from me, but only he and I knew.