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He teed his ball for the two-hundred-yard flight to the easy tenth, and took his cleek. "I know just what'll happen now; I know it well." But this time there was no varying in the flight; the drive went true to the green, straight on the flag, where a good but not difficult put brought a two. "Even threes again," said Pickings, but to himself. "It can't go on. It must turn."

"It seems a simple game," he said, as he took his stance. "You're sure it's fair to have the ball sitting up on top of a young sand-hill like this?" "Perfectly fair." "I mean, I don't want to be coddled because I'm a beginner." "The ball is always teed up for the drive," I assured him. "Oh, well, if you say so. But it seems to me to take all the element of sport out of the game.

And here is Koreshanity, a revelation vouchsafed by the Lord to Dr. C. R. Teed of Chicago in the year 1889. This new seer took the name of Koresh, which is Hebrew for Cyrus, "the Shepherd from Joseph, the Stone of Israel, the Sun-Man; the illuminating center of the Son of man", and went out on the streets of the city to preach that the earth is a hollow sphere with the stars inside.

It was at Muirfield, and it took place only four or five weeks after this encouraging victory over Taylor. In the meantime I had been a little off my game, and when I teed my first ball at Muirfield it seemed to me that I was as likely to make a bad drive as a good one, and I was equally uncertain with all the other clubs in my bag.

Waldron, thus adjured, teed up and swung at the ball. But the Scotch had by no means steadied his aim. He foozled badly and broke his pet driver, into the bargain. The steel head of it flew farther even than the ball, which moved hardly ten yards.

But never mind, my lad, there's still Rocky Bunker ahead of us, and " West did not complete his remark, but his face took on a very determined look as he teed his ball. The last hole was in sight, and victory hovered overhead. Now, the distance from Lake Hole to the Home Hole is but a few yards over three hundred, and it can be accomplished comfortably in two long brassie drives.

"There, now I suppose you're satisfied!" he said, sulkily, but his instructor was not, it seemed, satisfied. "Don't be silly! You lifted your head. You have to do more than one thing right to hit that ball. You have to stay down to it. Here" he teed another ball "take your stance and see if you can't keep down. I'll hold you down."

The ball being teed unusually high, the golfer must be careful not to make any unconscious allowance for the fact in his downward swing, and must see that he wipes the tee from the face of the earth when he makes the stroke.

Oak Cliff is famous for its scenery and for its velvet-like greens. "I'm going to play my best game this afternoon," announced Miss Harding when I had teed her ball. "I always play my best game; don't you?" I asked. "You shall judge of that when we finish this round," she declared.

Well, anyway, it takes years to learn seamanship, and both of us are seamen. If we don't find the time, we'll lay in the books and instruments and teach ourselves navigation on the ocean between San Francisco and Hawaii. There is one unfortunate and perplexing phase of the voyage of the Snark. Roscoe, who is to be my co-navigator, is a follower of one, Cyrus R. Teed.