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"Yes, yes; I will tell you all." "No," said I, alarmed at her agitation; "another time." "I must," she answered more calmly; "it has burned me enough. You recall that we were at supper together, with Betty Tayloe and Lord Comyn, and how merry we were, altho' 'twas nothing but 'Dorothy' with you gentlemen. Then you left me. Afterwards, as I was talking with Mr. Singleton, the rector came up.

"From a Maryland manor to a ducal palace. 'Tis a fable, egad! No less!" "Indeed, I think it is," retorted Betty. "Mark me, doctor, Dorothy will not put up an instant with a roue and a brute." "A roue!" cries he, "and a brute! What the plague, Miss Tayloe! I vow I do not understand you." "Then ask my Lord Comyn, who knows your Duke of Chartersea," said Betty. Dr.

My uncle seemed in particular anxious that I should make a good appearance, and reminded me that I should dress as became the heir of the Carvel house. I took counsel with Patty Swain, and then went to see Betty Tayloe, and the Fotheringay girls, and the Dulany girls, near the Governor's. I would show my mistress how little I cared.

When I arrived, the playhouse was lit with myriad candles, to be snuffed save the footlights presently, and the tiers were all brilliant with the costumes of ladies and gentlemen. Miss Tayloe and Miss Dulany were of our party, with Fitzhugh and Worthington, and Mr. Manners for propriety. The little fop spent his evening, by the way, in a box opposite, where my Aunt Caroline gabbled to him and Mr.

Already she has had her choice from a thousand a year up, and I tell you our English ladies are green with envy." I was stunned, you may be sure. And yet, I might have expected it. "If your Lordship has left your heart in England," said Betty, with a smile, "I give you warning you must not tell our ladies here of it." "I care not who knows it, Miss Tayloe," he cried.

"Why don't you make me jealous?" says she, stamping her foot. "A score of pretty girls are languishing for a glimpse of you, Jennie and Bess Fotheringay, and Betty Tayloe, and Heaven knows how many others. They are actually accusing me of keeping you trailing. 'La, girls! said I, 'if you will but rid me of him for a day, you shall have my lasting gratitude."

His Lordship proved more than able to take care of himself, and contrived to send Philip about his business when he pulled up a chair beside us. He drank a health to Miss Swain, and another to Miss Tayloe, and was on the point of filling a third glass to the ladies of Maryland, when he caught himself and brought his hand down on the table.

Tayloe, "after the perusal of Webster's celebrated March speech in defence of the Constitution and of Southern rights, inclosed to Mrs. Webster her husband's note for ten thousand dollars given him for a loan to that amount. Mr. Webster met Mr. Corcoran the same evening, at the President's, and thanked him for the 'princely favor. Next day he addressed to Mr.

Tayloe, who was born at the North, used to visit her childhood's home every summer, and in traveling on one of those floating palaces, the day-boats on the Hudson River, she was struck with the business energy and desire to please everybody manifested by the steward. On her return Colonel Tayloe mentioned the want of success which had attended his hotel, and she remarked that if he could get Mr.

My thoughts began to whirl over all Comyn had said of her so that I scarce heard a question Miss Tayloe had put. "Marry Chartersea! That profligate pig!" Comyn was saying. "She would as soon marry a chairman or a chimneysweep, I'm thinking. Why, Miss Tayloe, Sir Charles Grandison himself would scarce suit her!" "Good lack!" said Betty, "I think Sir Charles would be the very last for Dorothy."