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As she turned about to call this to him she was somewhat surprised to see that he was wheeling the carriage rapidly toward the corner, and at the same time she saw the door of the taxicab open and a swarthy face framed for a moment in the aperture.

"Very well. Anything to get away from here." "And you can have your cut attended to there." "Oh, that's nothing. A basin of cold water is all I need. Here's the cab, thank heaven." The girl's gaze followed the automobile up the hill as she waited for the taxicab to stop. "I do hope he isn't hurt badly," she murmured piteously. "Probably he isn't. Just stunned, the doctor seemed to think.

"It was late for the visit I proposed, but not too late, if Dunn was also the orator who, surprised by a raid I had not been let into, would be making for his home, if only to establish an alibi. The subway was near, and I calculated on his using it, but we took a taxicab and so arrived in Hicks Street some few minutes before him. The result you know.

I'm going to take you up to one of those parks in the West End we've paid so much for and see so little of, and when I get you there I'm going to talk to you. You can rest on the way up. There's a breeze blowing when you get out of these infernally hot streets." She was only too glad to sink back amongst the hard, shiny leather cushions of the taxicab, and half close her eyes.

I am going to marry that young woman!" "Is the young woman aware of your intentions, sir?" Dave demanded, quietly. "Yes! Darrin, I tell you, I am going to marry that young woman, and it is most imperative that I should see her as early as possible. Give me the number of that taxicab, and I can find the driver and learn where he took her. Now, what are you smiling at, Darrin?"

By the never-to-be-forgotten grace of Kismet his taxicab was precisely where he had left it, the chauffeur on the seat. "Quick!" he ordered the reeling boy "into that cab unless you want to be treated by a Bellevue sawbones held as a witness besides. Are you badly hurt?" "Not badly," gasped the boy "shot through the shoulder can wait for treatment must keep out of the papers " "Right!"

The man who hears at night the call of "Police! Police!" in the street, jumps out of bed and begins to put on his clothes, but thinks better of it for the same reason. If a man is in a taxicab that is run into by an express wagon, and the resulting suit is brought by the taxicab company for $110 damages, he may have to attend court five separate days as a witness and the case may not be called.

If only they might find the worst of the danger safely past! They were rushed in a taxicab to the great uptown hotel, to find there a message saying that the whole family were at the hospital and that they were to follow at once. In the second cab Georgiana's hand again found Stuart's and stayed there.

She was ashamed of her orgy, was laughing at it as the sun and intoxicating air of a typical New York morning poured in upon her. She accepted Mrs. Belloc's invitation to take a turn through the park and up Riverside Drive in a taxicab, came back restored to her normal state of blind confidence in the future. About noon Stanley Baird telephoned.

Sturgis, quite ready to collapse again. "Good-by, Kirk my precious, precious baby! How can I!" And the taxicab moved away, giving them just one glimpse of their mother with her poor head on Miss McClough's capable shoulder. "Well," Ken remarked, "here we are." And there was really nothing more to be said on the subject. Such a strange house!