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It was surrounded by lofty beech-trees of brilliant green foliage. We entered the gate, Mrs. Petulengro leading the way, and proceeded to a small door near the east end of the church. As we advanced, the sound of singing within the church rose upon our ears. Arrived at the small door, Mrs. Petulengro opened it and entered, followed by Tawno Chikno. I myself went last of all, following Mr.

I understand; I am sorry for them. And so you are here alone? 'Not quite alone, brother. 'No, not alone; but with the rest Tawno Chikno takes care of you. 'Takes care of me, brother! 'Yes, stands to you in the place of a father keeps you out of harm's way. 'What do you take me for, brother? 'For about three years older than myself.

My rapid progress in the former astonished, while it delighted, Jasper. ‘We’ll no longer call you Sap-engro, brother,’ said he; ‘but rather Lav-engro, which in the language of the gorgios meaneth Word-master.’ ‘Nay, brother,’ said Tawno Chikno, with whom I had become very intimate, ‘you had better call him Cooro-mengro, I have put on the gloves with him, and find him a pure fist-master; I like him for that, for I am a Cooro-mengro myself, and was born at Brummagem.’

'There's a leaping-bar behind the house, said the landlord. 'Leaping-bar! said Mr. Petulengro, scornfully. 'Do you think my black pal ever rides at a leaping bar? No more than at a windle-straw. Leap over that meadow wall, Tawno. Just past the house, in the direction in which I had been trotting, was a wall about four feet high, beyond which was a small meadow.

That’s true, Tawnohowever, here’s our brother will perhaps let the world know something about us.’ ‘Not he,’ said the other, with a sigh; ‘he’ll have quite enough to do in writing his own lils, and telling the world how handsome and clever he was; and who can blame him?

It appears to be a kind of picklock, an open sesame, TannerTawno! the one is but a modification of the other; they were originally identical, and have still much the same signification.

There's a better man than he close by; let him get on his back and leap him. 'You mean yourself, I suppose, said the landlord. 'Well, I call that talking modestly, and nothing becomes a young man more than modesty. 'It a'n't I, daddy, said Mr. Petulengro. 'Here's the man, said he, pointing to Tawno. 'Here's the horse-leaper of the world! 'You mean the horse-back breaker, said the landlord.

"Perhaps; but you are of the Gorgios, and I am a Rommany Chal. Tawno Chikno take care of Jasper Petulengro!" "Is that your name?" "Don't you like it?" "Very much, I never heard a sweeter; it is something like what you call me." "The horse-shoe master and the snake-fellow, I am the first." "Who gave you that name?" "Ask Pharaoh." "I would, if he were here, but I do not see him." "I am Pharaoh."

But Tawno would have nothing to do with her. 'I have a wife of my own, said he, 'a lawful Rommany wife, whom I love better than the whole world, jealous though she sometimes be'." "And is she very beautiful?" said I. "Why, you know, brother, beauty is frequently a matter of taste; however, as you ask my opinion, I should say not quite so beautiful as himself."

During the dinner a horn filled with ale passed frequently around; I drank of it more than once, and felt inspirited by the draughts. The repast concluded, Sylvester and his children departed to their tent, and Mr. Petulengro, Tawno, and myself, getting up, went and lay down under a shady hedge, where Mr. Petulengro, lighting his pipe, began to smoke, and where Tawno presently fell asleep.