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If she could only say something, she thought, that would clear this matter up and make him feel that she was no tattler. Scandal was distressing to her. "I thought I was doing everything for the best," she said at last. "So you were," he replied. "I like Jennie very much. I have always enjoyed her coming here.

At twenty-five he had been a good fellow, and in this respect he was unchanged; but of a man of his age one expected something more. People said he was sociable, but this was as much a matter of course as for a dipped sponge to expand; and it was not a high order of sociability. He was a great gossip and tattler, and to produce a laugh would hardly have spared the reputation of his aged mother.

He certainly would not shine in the story. But I am not a tattler." "It is not very difficult to see that you do not like him. Jonathan does not, either. He says Mr. Miller was friendly with McKee, and the notorious Simon Girty, the soldiers who deserted from Fort Pitt and went to the Indians. The girls like him however."

Come," he added, laying his hand too familiarly on the shoulder of his captive to urge her onward; "a Huron is no tattler; we will go." The maiden drew back in lofty womanly reserve, and her dark eye kindled, while the rich blood shot, like the passing brightness of the sun, into her very temples, at the indignity.

"But the most of it's in the cellar," shrilled the voice of a tattler in the hallway. "There's where she keeps it!" "I don't need any advice," growled the sheriff. His men trudged into the room and made for the cupboard. Now at last Aunt Charette understood that her stores were threatened. She did not leave her chair. She fumbled frantically at her big bag that hung at her waist.

He apprehended me at half a word, and immediately asked me if I had made myself known to any of the prisoners. I answered, readily: "No, monsieur; and I will tell you my reasons in a very few words. Bassompierre is a tattler; I expect to do nothing with the Marechal de Vitri but by your means.

But a world yet more deficient than she, esteemed her cordially for being a bulwark of the present edifice; which looks a solid structure when the microscope is not applied to its components. Supposing Percy Dacier a dishonourable tattler as well as an icy lover, and that Lady Wathin, through his bride, had become privy to the secret between him and Diana?

For, to say nothing of others, he sometimes complained that Agrippa was hasty, and Mecaenas a tattler; the former having thrown up all his employments and retired to Mitylene, on suspicion of some slight coolness, and from jealousy that Marcellus received greater marks of favour; and the latter having confidentially imparted to his wife Terentia the discovery of Muraena's conspiracy.

He'll hound you in the Merry Tattler until the whole town knows you're a welcher, and not a soul would speak to you. That is the one unpardonable sin " "I wish I'd told Price " "Oh, no, you don't. This is just a lovely way out. Glad he had the inspiration. Hello, Nick." A man had groped his way between the trees and stood just under the window. "What are you doing here?" asked Doremus sourly.

How dared he say a single word against Mrs. Tiralla, even when he was drunk? The schoolmaster had been quite right this time. Jokisch was to keep a civil tongue in his head. He was a henpecked husband, a tattler. All the bachelors jeered at the inspector.