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I believe I have got into the habit of doing the man's part, for I used to be Pauline Esterhazy's partner after Tassilo went away. 'You had a precious dancing-master in Tassilo, growled out O'Shea. 'The greatest scamp in the Austrian army. 'I know nothing of the moralities of the Austrian army, but the count was a perfect gentleman, and a special friend of mine.

The calm, thus wisely employed, did not last long. Charlemagne was soon aroused from his peaceful occupations to put down a revolt of Tassilo, Duke of Bavaria, as well as a meditated attack upon Italy by Adalgisus, the son of the deposed Lombard king, Desiderius, who was assisted underhand by the Greek empress, Irene, and had besides formed a secret alliance with the Duke of Beneventum.

Confinement to religious seclusion was all that he inflicted; and in the case of Tassilo, where mercy could be more safely exercised, he pardoned him so often, that it became evident in what current his feelings ran, wherever the cruel necessities of the public service allowed him to indulge them.

During the years 786-787 Charles was threatened with a conspiracy against his power in Italy. Tassilo, the vassal Duke of Bavaria, aspired to independence and was induced by his wife, a daughter of King Didier, to make common cause with her nation; Areghis, the Lombard ruler of Benevento, had emphasised his independence by assuming the style and crown of a king.

Puzzling as this seemed, the first words she spoke gave the explanation. 'Don't flatter yourself, most valiant soldier, that you are going to teach me the "Czardasz." I learned it years ago from Tassilo Esterhazy; but I asked you to come here to set me right about that half-minuet step that begins it.

There fell the Frank hero Roland, whose gallant deeds were a favorite subject of mediaeval romances. The duchy of Bavaria was abolished after a second revolt of its duke, Tassilo . One of the most brilliant of Charlemagne's wars was that against the Hunnic Avars . Their land between the Ems and Raab he annexed to his empire. Bavarian colonists were planted in it.

Tassilo, for example, the Duke of Bavaria, and Desiderius, the King of the Lombards, acted against him upon the bitterest instigations of feminine resentment; each of these princes conceiving himself concerned in a family quarrel, pursued the cause which he had adopted in the most ferocious spirit of revenge, and would undoubtedly have inflicted death upon Charlemagne, had he fallen into their power.

Tassilo, being seized, was condemned to death by the great council. He appealed to the clemency of the king, who, ever averse to shed blood, mitigated the sentence into a lifelong seclusion from the world in a cloister.

Shortly afterward a warlike nation, calling themselves Avars, approached the northern parts of Europe, having been driven from their native country by the Turks. They spread rapidly, acquiring territory and power, until they were invited by Tassilo to aid him in his meditated treachery.