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Only fifteen yards remained to be covered, and then by one supreme effort Will called upon all his reserve powers and with what the college paper afterward described as a "magnificent burst of speed," he cut down Mott's lead and a moment later the two runners struck the tape exactly together.

The barrister had halted in the doorway to turn over a sheaf of papers that he held in his hand, and, as he replaced the red tape which bound them together, he looked up and our eyes met.

"It's just a long envelope tied up with red tape and sealed," she answered. "Yes! he made a great fuss about leaving it with me." "Tell us all about it," he demanded greedily. "Oh, Lord! Oh, Lord! Be quick!" "It must have been almost the very day it happened," she said, with a little shudder. "He came down in the afternoon and he seemed a bit queer, as though he had something on his mind.

Rachel gladly assented, and knowing where to find the keys of the strong box, she returned in a short space with a parcel tied up with, red tape, and labelled "Barnaby's Bargain." "I have been thinking," she exclaimed, as she came in, "that that piece of land must have grown much more valuable since this rent was set on it!

"I could n't wear it it would squeeze my eyes out of my head. The books told me that women's brains were smaller than men's: perhaps they are, most of them, I never measured a great many. But when they try to settle what women are good for, by phrenology, I like to have them put their tape round my head. I don't believe in their nonsense, for all that.

The crew of that Imperial scout might or might not have violated first-contact procedure he'd find out when he saw the tape Hovan had mentioned but it was certain they'd triggered an instinct-level reaction. They had come to the sleeproom by the time the Ranger reached that point in his thoughts.

Could utmost ingenuity in the management of red tape avail anything to men lying gasping, we may say, all but dead; could despatch boxes with never-so-much velvet lining and Chubb's patent be of comfort to a people in extremis, I also, with so many others, would, with parched tongue, call on the name of Lord John Russell; or, my brother, at your advice, on Lord Aberdeen; or, my cousin, on Lord Derby, at yours; being, with my parched tongue, indifferent to such matters.

Then he cried, softly: "My Lady!" and strode forward. "Boyd! Boyd!" she answered and came to meet him, yielding herself to his arms. She felt his heart pounding against hers like the heart of a runner who has spent himself at the tape, felt his arms quivering as if from great fatigue. For a long time neither spoke.

If you do not make formal application for the appointment of such court of inquiry within the next few days, no further action will be taken in the matter. Very respectfully, As he read, and realized how flat his charge had fallen, Ardmore's face passed through several shades of red. "Of all the government red tape!" he muttered wrathfully.

Historical note on the Marconi-Stille steel tape recording machine. At the beginning of the century Professor Poulsen, one of radio's earliest pioneers, discovered that a magnetic impression could be made on a moving length of wire which remained on the wire even after it had been rolled up. He used his machine to record the Morse code only, that is magnetism 'on' and 'off'. In 1924 Dr.