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He had fled for refuge to his state-room and was lying in the lower berth, chewing the pillow, a soul in torment. There was a tap at the door. Sam sat up dizzily. He had lost all count of time. "Who's that?" "I have a note for you, sir." It was the level voice of J. B. Midgeley, the steward.

He closed his eyes to shut out that picture, his hands clenched on the arms of his chair. "No," he said, raising his hand in solemn affirmation, "as the Lord God liveth, while I stay he stays." "Come in," he said, in answer to a timid tap at the office door. Mr. Wickes laid a file before him. It needed only a rapid survey of the sheets to give him the whole story.

Stone would take advantage of her privilege as an old friend, as well as one of the oldest teachers, and come in her solemn way to discuss the latest escapade, pro and con, so she was not in the least surprised when there came a light tap upon her door that afternoon, and Mrs. Stone entered. "'Save me from my friends," quoted Miss Preston, under her breath. "Well, Mrs.

"I told you nothing, you old tadpole," shrieked Bunch, unable to contain himself longer. "Very well," said Harmony, soothingly, "they ain't no call for you to say nothin' more that'll incrimigate you before the bar of Justice. Steady, now, or I'll tap you with this here cane!"

If not, why does their Congress, as they call it, hold council always with closed doors, like a knot of conspirators? The first tap of the Northern drum dispelled many illusions, and we need no better proof of which ship is sinking than that Mr. Caleb Cushing should have made such haste to come over to the old Constitution, with the stars and stripes at her mast-head.

That glance in her great blue eyes was a reflection of the one which she cast upon the youthful horseman through the little window squares of the farmer's house. That tap of the slippered foot, on the edge of the shining fender, was the gentle stimulant she administered to her pony's flank as he leaped forward to win the race.

Suddenly the stillness was shattered by a resounding knock on the door by which the lads had so recently entered three light taps, followed by a single loud tap. Immediately Georges was upon his feet again, and unlocked and unbarred the door and peered out. Then he threw wide the door and another man entered the room.

Graham was about to protest again, but she silenced him by a gesture that was almost imperious. "Don't you see that for papa's sake, for my own, as well as yours, I must go? Now let us say good-night as if we were parting unsuspicious of trouble. When I tap at your door, Mr. Graham, you will follow me; and you, papa, try to keep our people in ignorance."

An hour later, the car put away in the garage, Fanny was tapping at the window of the bath house in the town. The beautiful fat woman who prepared the baths answered her tap. "Fraeulein," said Fanny, "would it matter if I had a bath? Is it too late? I'll turn it on myself and dry it afterwards." What did the woman mind if Fanny had a bath?

'I eat very little, said my black-bearded, bright-eyed fellow-tramp; 'but, he added, 'I drink three or four glasses of absinthe a day. 'You will eat still less, I said, 'if you don't soon begin to turn off the tap.