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I had thought, certainly, he would not weep the eyes out of his head for me; but that he should be stricken with anger to see me alive I had hardly expected, and for the instant it frightened me. But then I had no time to observe anything else, for Tanty collapsed upon the steps and went off into as fine a fit of hysterics as I have ever seen. But fortunately it did not last long.

By the way, I was to convey a gracious invitation to you too. Will you come with me? No? strange girl. So even give me the letter, I will take it to no, not to René, 'tis addressed to Captain Smith, I see. Dear me you don't mean to say, Madeleine, that you are corresponding with that person; that he is near us? What would Tanty say?"

The dinner was as well cooked and served a meal as any under Rupert's rule, which is saying a good deal, and if the young ladies failed to appreciate the "floating island," the "golden nests," and "silver web," so thoughtfully provided for them, Tanty did ample justice to the venison.

But though no one has ever accused me of speaking too modestly to be heard, my lord had a sudden fit of deafness, and I saw Tanty give me a little frown, while the old thing he must be much older than Tanty even tottered into a chair, and went on mumbling. "I was only a boy in those days, my dear, only a boy, as your good aunt will tell you.

For three days it sounded prettily in my ears. But to the girl who refused a duchess' coronet, who was born comtesse to be the baronet's lady Tanty may say what she likes of the age of creation, and all the rest of it that advantage cannot weigh heavy in the balance.

Then Tanty caught me by the arm and shook me: "How dare you, miss, how dare you?" she cried, her face was flaming. "How dare I what?" asked I, as I hugged her. "How dare you be walking about when it is dead you are, and give us all such a fright there there, you know what I mean. Adrian," she whimpered, "give me your arm, my nephew, and conduct me into your house. All this has upset me very much.

I will go back to the island to-night I can rely upon you to assist me to do so quietly without unnecessary scenes or explanations yes yes I know you will be ready to facilitate matters! Strange! It is only a few hours ago since Tanty almost persuaded me that it was my duty to remain here; now you have made me see that I have no choice but to leave. Have no fear, Rupert I go.

Landale, with something of a sneer; "and now hangs meekly in some bedroom or other in that, if I mistake not, at present hallowed by my fair cousins' presence. Well, it is good for the soul of man to be humbled, as we are taught to believe from our earliest years!" Tanty was fumbling for her eye-glasses.

The missing heir had come to his own again; the dead had come back to life. Well, we killed the fatted calf, and all the rest of it but I need not inflict upon you the narrative of our rejoicing." "Faith, no," said Tanty, drily, "I can see it with half an eye."

"But you will allow me to escort you myself," exclaimed Adrian, rising to the situation, "and I hope there need be no hurry so long as daylight lasts Good-morning, Will, I am glad the new craft is a success you need not wait. Tanty, take my arm, I beg, the steps are steep and rough."