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Sabatier speaks of an abscess of the brain caused by a ball of paper in the ear; and it is quite common for persons in the habit of using a tampon of cotton in the meatus to mistake the deep entrance of this substance for functional derangement, and many cases of temporary deafness are simply due to forgetfulness of the cause.

It is by no means improbable that, as Mattei argued in 1878, this is actually the case. It is known that the vagina possesses considerable absorptive power. Thus Coen and Levi, among others, have shown that if a tampon soaked in a solution of iodine is introduced into the vagina, iodine will be found in the urine within an hour. And the same is true of various other substances.

Helonias, one-half dram; Salicylic acid, one dram; Alum, three drams; boric acid, five drams. Dissolve flat teaspoonful in half cup of water, soak a cotton tampon and place way up in the vagina. As a tonic take: Tincture Cinchona comp., two ounces; tincture gentian comp., two ounces. Dose: Dessertspoonful after meals.

An attempt to remove by the forceps failed, as the violent movements of the heart drew the needle back into the cavity. About this stage of the operation an unfortunate accident happened the iodoform tampon, which protected the exposed pleural cavity, was drawn into this cavity during a deep inspiration, and could not be found.

At times there is surprise at finding some rare lesion treated with modern technique, and a hint at least of our modern apparatus. Fracture of the pubic arch, for instance, is described in Abulcasis quite as if he had had definite experience with it. When this occurs in a woman, the reposition of the bone is often greatly facilitated by a cotton tampon in the vagina.

Later on make a cotton tampon, saturated with chloral hydrate, one-half dram; cocaine hydrochloride, one and one-half grain; dissolve in five drams of water. Use injection and tampon morning and night. DYSMENORRHEA: Asafoetida, forty grains; ext. Valerian, twenty grains; ext. Cannabis Indica, five grains; make twenty pills. Dose: One pill after meals.

No, I can't blame it on a period every day of the month.... What am I doing here? Am I just wanting to wear a white wedding dress with my tampon the way little girls are conditioned to believe that marriage in a white dress is the portal to an epiphany?

But first I propose to do to you what we do to dirty beasts so that they sha'n't come back again." And he began to rub him, to scrub his face mercilessly with his newspaper, which he held like a tampon and with which he choked and blinded him and made great raw spots where the paint bled. They dragged him from his hands, purple and breathless.

He excused himself to Frederick, asked him to look after the Jewess, and left the cabin with the stewardess. "You are a doctor?" asked the Russian Jewess. "Yes," said Frederick. Without wasting many words, he made her lie prone on the couch, inserted a tampon in her nose, and used other means to stanch the flow of blood.

Emaciation progressively continued, although his appetite was normal. Three doctors, called in consultation, prescribed bleeding, which, however, proved of no avail. Three weeks afterward he carried in his nostril a tampon of lint, wet with an astringent solution, and, on the next day, on blowing his nose, there fell from the right nostril a body which he recognized as a leech.