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Remember that many riders beat themselves by over-eagerness. Well let 'em, Barnabas. Don't rush your fences, give your mount time, and steady him about twenty yards from the jump. Remember that a balking horse generally swerves to the left, Barnabas. Keep your eye open for the best take-offs and landings. Gauge your payce, save your horse for raycing at finish.

But a war-fleet could not depend solely on ground installations. The fighting ships of Kandar were allowed to use the planet's spaceport only for special reasons. Emergency rocket take-offs and landings were necessary training for war conditions anyhow.

A hard lot for a boy; but it's not the worst thing that can happen to him. He might become a man; such a man as that fellow that sailed away before the mast this morning. There I was seated in a box all alone Miss Nancy Olden, by courtesy of the management, come to listen to the leading lady sing coon-songs, that I might add her to my collection of take-offs.

Landing, we keep our fuel and the ship with next to no mass, and we shoot it out to where it does have mass, and the effect is practically the same as if we were pushing against something solid! And so we started off with fuel for maybe five or six landings and take-offs against Earth gravity. But with this new trick, we've got fuel for a couple of hundred!" "Ah!" said Cochrane mildly.

Piracy was a matter of dangerous take-offs in cranky rocket-ships, to be followed by weeks or months of tedious and uncomfortable boredom in highly unhealthy re-breathed air.