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Here terminates the adhikarana of 'connexion, And for the same reason the holding together and the pervading the sky. In the Taittiriyaka and in the khilas of the Ranayaniyas we have the following passage: 'Gathered together are the powers among which Brahman is the oldest; Brahman as the oldest in the beginning stretched out the sky.

For an examination of the context in the Taittiriyaka shows that the purusha-vidya is merely a subordinate part of a meditation on Brahman, the fruit of which the text declares to be that the devotee reaches the greatness of Brahman; while the Chandogya meditation is an independent one, and has for its reward the attainment of long life.

Herewith terminates the adhikarana of 'holding together. This view the Sutra negatives. Although both meditations are meditations on man, yet they are separate 'on account of the others not being recorded, i.e. on account of the qualities recorded in one sakha not being recorded in the other. For the Taittiriyaka mentions the three libations, while the Chandogya does not, and so on.

This is declared in the Sankarshana, 'The divinities are different on account of separation. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'offerings. The Taittiriyaka contains another daharavidya, 'The thousand-headed god, the all-eyed one, &c. Up.