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Tais-toi!" murmured Patoux gently, between two whiffs of his pipe "Excuse him, Monsieur Cazeau, he is but a child." Cazeau writhed amicably. "A delightful child," he murmured "And the little girl his sister- -is also charming Ah, what fine dark eyes! what hair! Will she not come and speak to me?"

He never would take advice, and it was nothing but "Tais-toi, Coralie," all day long but no one is perfect. He wished me to remain in the camp, but I made it a rule never to be left behind. We set off; and I rode in one of the little carriages called cacolets which had been provided for the wounded.

"Ah! la jeunesse!" sighed Madame GuŽgou, setting down her glass when the healths were drunk. "I, too, Mademoiselle, was once young." Yvonne patted her cheek gently. "Age is only in the heart, Madame," she said. "Non, ma belle," cackled GuŽgou from his corner. "It's in the joints." "Tais-toi, Jules," scolded his wife. "What should lovers care about thy joints."

"Nay, I don't give myself as an example; but you may judge I own I am surprised to find myself philosophizing here in the Black Islands but one philosophizes every where." "And you would have more time for it here, I should suppose, than in Paris?" "Time, my dear sir no such thing! Time is merely in idea; but Tais-toi Jean Jacques! Tais-toi Condillac!

The little girl at the other end of the bench rolled her big eyes toward them with indifference, continuing to croon to her doll: "Dors, mon enfant; dors, dors; ta mère est allée au bal.... Dors, mon enfant, dors; ta mère est au théâtre.... Tais-toi; tais-toi; ta mère dîne au restaurant.... Dors, ma chérie, dors."

"Tais-toi, ecoutez, la diligence s'approche;" the truth of the good woman's remark being vouched for by the heavy rumbling of that ponderous machine, the "Vite, vite" of the postilion, and the "crack, crack" of his huge whip.

A rustle followed, and an opening of desks; behind the lifted lids which momentarily screened the heads bent down to search for exercise-books, I heard tittering and whispers. "Eulalie, je suis prete a pamer de rire," observed one. "Comme il a rougi en parlant!" "Oui, c'est un veritable blanc-bec." "Tais-toi, Hortense il nous ecoute."

"Not quite," put in Mr. Wilding. "Mr. Westmacott, I think, was constrained away. He did not intend..." "Tais-toi!" blazed Feversham. "Did I interrogate you? It is for Mistaire Westercott to answer." He set a hand on the table and leaned forward towards Wilding, his face very malign. "You shall to answer for yourself, Mistaire Wildin'; I promise you you shall to answer for yourself."

"A boy about four files behind me was a pitiable object; his cries and his frantic endeavors to attract notice to a document of some sort he held in his hand, were silenced at last by a kick from an officer and a 'Tais-toi, crapaud! Very different was it with a poor child of nine, who stood next to me.

"I'll be d d if I do," said I. "Comment donc?" said the man. "Tais-toi bête" said I, "ou je te brulerai la cervelle."