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Thar she was, showing em, as innocent ye see, it's jest here, Jinny don't know. Lor, the family an't nothing! She can't be spected to know! 'Ta'nt no fault o' hem. Ah, Mas'r George, you doesn't know half 'your privileges in yer family and bringin' up!" Here Aunt Chloe sighed, and rolled up her eyes with emotion. "I'm sure, Aunt Chloe, I understand I my pie and pudding privileges," said George.

Samuel Weller forthwith presented himself, having previously deposited his old white hat on the landing outside. "Ta'nt a wery good 'un to look at," said Sam, "but it's an astonishin' 'un to wear. And afore the brim went it was a wery handsome tile." "Now, with regard to the matter on which I sent for you," said Mr. Pickwick.

On that p'int there'll be no words atween us, for all men must and ought to follow their gifts. Howsever, when your women begin to ta'nt and abuse me, as I suppose will soon happen, let 'em remember that if a pale-face struggles for life so long as it's lawful and manful, he knows how to loosen his hold on it, decently, when he feels that the time has come. I'm your captyve; work your will on me."

An instant afterwards, though, he burst out laughing, in spite of himself, as 'The Battersea Bantam, who had been ineffectually dancing round Tregarva like a gamecock spurring at a bull, turned off with a voice of ineffable disgust, 'That big cove's a yokel; ta'nt creditable to waste science on him.

'Tis better not to walk too much together. 'Times, yes! 'Twould be hard, indeed, if 'twas not to be at all, she said, with a cheerfulness she sought to communicate to him. ''Tis hard, anyways, Rachael. 'Try to think not; and 'twill seem better. 'I've tried a long time, and 'ta'nt got better. But thou'rt right; 't might mak fok talk, even of thee.