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What are you doing in Washington?" Jethro took the hand, but he did not answer the question. "Er Senator when can I see the President?" "Why," answered the senator, somewhat taken aback, "why, to-night, if you like. I'm going to the White House in a few minutes and I think I can arrange it." "T-to-morrow afternoon t-to-morrow afternoon?"

What are you doing in Washington?" Jethro took the hand, but he did not answer the question. "Er Senator when can I see the President?" "Why," answered the senator, somewhat taken aback, "why, to-night, if you like. I'm going to the White House in a few minutes and I think I can arrange it." "T-to-morrow afternoon t-to-morrow afternoon?"

Then, with hands that stung, Helen packed the traveling-suits in the bag. "There! But what an awful mess!" exclaimed Helen. "Oh, Bo, our pretty traveling-dresses!" "We'll press them t-to-morrow on a l-log," replied Bo, and she giggled. They started for the road. Bo, strange to note, did not carry her share of the burden, and she seemed unsteady on her feet.

What are you doing in Washington?" Jethro took the hand, but he did not answer the question. "Er Senator when can I see the President?" "Why," answered the senator, somewhat taken aback, "why, to-night, if you like. I'm going to the White House in a few minutes and I think I can arrange it." "T-to-morrow afternoon t-to-morrow afternoon?"

"Keep your shirt on, kid," he said, "and remember, this isn't a fist fight you're going into. It's war." Buzz, fumbling with his hat, put his question. "When when do I go?" For he had signed his name in his round, boyish, sixth-grade scrawl. "To-morrow. Now listen to these instructions." "T-to-morrow?" gasped Buzz. He was still gasping as he reached the street and struck out toward home.