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"I t-thought I heard a cry. T-t-there it is again," as a faint call came from the river. The three boys were standing on the landing with Colonel Snow, still discussing the mysterious disappearance of Gerald. "T-that you, Gerald?" shouted Pepper.

'Twas a b-b-bigger, b-b-be-beard-d-er feller'n him." "You said 'six seven' pies. If she didn't know how many she made how'd she know she lost any?" "Well, sir! An' there was old Mr. Witherspoon, d-dr-driv-in' down mountain with a load o' c-c-carrots, he he seen him cr-cr-cross in' Perkins's corn-field an' he t-thought 'twas a sc-sc-scarecrow, till it walked.

"You weren't here," Kirk sniffed; "I got sort of rather l-lonely, so I thought I'd come in with you and the b-bed was perfectly empty, and I couldn't find you. I t-thought you were teasing me." "I was taking a little walk," Ken said. "Here, curl up in bed you're frozen. No, I'm not going away again never any more, ducky. It was nice in the garden," he added. "The garden?"

"Frightened, are ye?" and the prospector took a step closer to the unhappy villain. "But ye'll be more frightened before I git through with ye, let me tell ye that. What's the meanin' of sich actions? Out with it." "I t-thought y-you were dead," Curly stammered. "An' so ye was takin' the matter of justice into yer own dirty hands, eh?" "Somebody had to do it."