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"What in the world are you doing, Aggie?" "T-t-trying to breathe," poor Aggie replied. "Then I wish," Tish said coldly, "that you would make the effort some place else than on the rocker of my chair. You jarred me, and I am in no state to be jarred."

But we're a peaceable crowd, you know; that's one of the leading rules in the constitution of the Ranger Boys' Club." "Yes," chuckled Bandy-legs, "we're set on having peace even if we have to fight for it." "Well," put in Toby, aggressively, "all I c-c-can s-s-say is, they'd b-b-better think twice before t-t-trying to bother our crowd. We're only b-boys, but we've got rights."

The movement is not essentially military," went on Rand, "but the military virtues of discipline, looked like a deliberate attempt to run over them, sprang to the horse's head as it was passing, catching the bridle, and with a loud "whoa" he brought the outfit to a stop. "What are you t-t-trying to do, Jim Rae!" he shouted to the youthful driver, "run over us?"

I am going to Paris on business of my own, and I can take charge of " "We'll see about t-t-trying to m-m-manage it b-b-between us, under the p-p-peculiar c-c-circumstances, b-b-but without b-b-binding m-m-myself to anything th-that I c-c-could not do," said Grandet, stuttering; "because, you see, monsieur le president naturally expects me to pay the expenses of his journey."

Say, perhaps I'm a walking jewelry shop right now, fellers. Mebbe I'm carrying around a whole pearl outfit. Wow! it makes me feel uneasy-like." "D-d-don't you worry any, my b-b-boy," broke in Toby; "no danger of anybody t-t-trying to k-k-kidnap you, even if your pouch was lined with p-p-pearls." "That's wise of you to say such kind things, Toby!