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"I don't know how he reconciled facts for your fact seems plain enough nor do I know how you can reconcile them; but what I do know is this: that man, poor in this world's goods, but rich in experience and in a natural endowment of poetic thought and musical ability, kept on making poems, kept on singing them, despite that fact to which he had given expression as he fared over the Brenner; despite the fact that a suit of cast-off clothes was all he got for his entertainment of those who would not call him 'brother. Discouraged at times for he was very human he kept on giving the best that was in him, doing the work appointed for him in this world and doing it with a whole heart Godwards and Christwards, despite his poverty, despite the broken promises of the great to reward him pecuniarily, despite the world, despite facts, Szchenetzy!

He sang when he was young of earthly love and in middle age of heavenly love, and his songs are cherished, for their beauty of wisdom and love, in the hearts of men to this day." He smiled genially across the sea of faces to Szchenetzy.

The audience loved to see him in this mood, for they knew by experience that he was generally able to meet his adversary, and no odds given or taken. "That's you, is it, Szchenetzy?" "Yes, it's me." "Do you remember in last month's talk that I showed you the Dolomites the curious mountains of the Tyrol? and in connection with those the Brenner Pass?" "Yes."

"Come up some night with your violin, Szchenetzy, and we will try over some of those very songs that the Germans have set to music of their own, those words of Walter of the Bird-Meadow so they called him then, and men keep on calling him that even to this day." He turned again to the screen.