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Later in January, William Harrison, a protégé of Swift, a young man whose name will be familiar to all who are acquainted with Swift's Journal to Stella, was encouraged by Swift to start a new Tatler, Swift liberally assisting him with notes, and not only contributing himself but inducing Congreve also to contribute a paper.

He went in and right through and down the stairs! Out the front door!" gasped Tom. "Did he get anything? I wonder!" He sprang up to the front porch and tried the door. It was locked again, of course. Should he ring the bell and get Rad or his father down to the door? And then, of a sudden, the principal mystery of all this affair bit into Tom Swift's mind. The burglar had made his escape.

"Whoever thinks of going to bed before twelve o'clock is," he said, "a scoundrel." Johnson's Works , xi. 199, 211. Mr. 'Who makes each sentence current pass, With puppy, coxcomb, scoundrel, ass. Swift liked the word. 'God forbid, he wrote, 'that ever such a scoundrel as Want should dare to approach you. Swift's Works, ed. 1803, xviii. 39.

There are plenty of allusions in the writings of contemporary poets and essayists to the cosy, sleep-provoking structures in which people of fashion and well-to-do citizens could enjoy without attracting too much notice the Sunday due Of slumbering in an upper pew. In Swift's humorous metamorphosis

It is interesting to think of this stern and often savage genius, who loved to hate, and whose hate was almost less terrible than his love, babbling and prattling in little half caressing sentences, as a mother might babble over her first child. Pedantic writers have professed to find in Swift's use of this "little language" the coming shadow of that insanity which struck him down in his old age.

He would only admit two good verses in Gray's exquisite "Elegy written in a Country Churchyard," where it would take a very acid critic to find two bad ones. "Tristram Shandy" would not live. "Hamlet" was gabble. Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" was poor stuff, and he never wrote anything good except "A Tale of a Tub." Voltaire was illiterate. Rousseau was a scoundrel.

They made a landing at a village just outside the "Holy City," as Rome is often called, and renewed their supply of gasolene. Naturally they attracted a crowd of curious persons, many of whom had never seen an airship before. Certainly few of them had ever seen one like Tom Swift's. The next day found them hovering over the Alps, where Tom hoped to be able to get the pictures of snow slides.

An investigation was made of the Universal Flying Machine Company, but nothing could be proved to link them with the outrage. Gale and Ware were in Europe ostensibly on government business, but it was said that if anything could be proved connecting them with the attempt made on Tom Swift's craft, they would be deprived of all official contracts and punished.

That same aversion to cant is, by the way, the greatest and most prevalent enemy to the reputation of high and of strong minds; and in judging Swift's character in especial, we should always bear it in recollection. This aversion the very antipodes to hypocrisy leads men not only to disclaim the virtues they have, but to pretend to the vices they have not.

That same aversion to cant is, by the way, the greatest and most prevalent enemy to the reputation of high and of strong minds; and in judging Swift's character in especial, we should always bear it in recollection. This aversion the very antipodes to hypocrisy leads men not only to disclaim the virtues they have, but to pretend to the vices they have not.