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"How do you know there's a rebel battery on the hill out there?" he finally asked Shorty. "They belted into the Oshkosh Terrors, out there to our right, killed a mule, scared two teamsters to death, and knocked over three or four kittles of coffee. It was awful unlucky about the coffee," an swered Shorty. "How long ago was that?" "O, several hours ago.

What have you got in that wagon? Where are you going?" demanded the Provost officer in the road. "We belong to the 200th Hinjianny. We've got two badly-wounded men and ha lot o' hammynition in the wagon. We want to find our regiment," an swered Wat Burnham. "Stop your wagon right there. We need all the ammunition we can get.

"Which o' you boys got my kittle?" he inquired, walking along the line. "Got your kittle, you blamed teamster," they an swered crossly. "Go away from here. We won't allow teamsters at this spring. It's only for soldiers. Go to your own spring." His kettle was gone, too. That was clear. As the Deacon walked back to the cabin he was very hot in the region of his collar.

But the other an swered, "Thou liest, O vilest of the Ifrits, and meanest and filthiest!" and he set off with the bottle for the sea side; the Ifrit calling out "Nay! Nay!" and he calling out "Aye! Aye !" There upon the Evil Spirit softened his voice and smoothed his speech and abased himself, saying, "What wouldest thou do with me, O Fisherman?"

The old stupid ! " Marjory did not appear to resent anything. " Oh, I don't think it was Mr. Coleman's fault at ail," she an- swered calmly. "I think it was more the fault of Peter Tounley, poor boy." " Well, I'd be glad to believe it, I'd be glad to believe it," said Nora. "I want Rufus to keep out of that sort of thing, but he is so hot-headed and foolish."

She ran like a young deer, but Si was swift of foot, and had taken the correct angle to cut her off. He caught her flying skirts and then grasped her wrist. "Where are you goin', and what for?" he asked sternly, as he held her fast and looked into her frightened eyes, while her breast heaved with exertion and fear. "I ain't goin' nowhar, an' for nothin'," she an swered sullenly.

"Something like that, if not the exact words," an swered the Deacon calmly, looking at the sights of the musket with an interested air. The master resumed his volley of epithets. The Deacon's face became very rigid, and the musket was advanced to a more threatening position. "I told you before," he said, "that I didn't allow no man to call me sich names. I give you warnin' agin.