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The master said I'd the swatest voice of them all until it got rough like, and then he made me quit for awhile, but he said it would be coming back by now, and I'm railly thinking it is, sir, for I've tried on the line a bit of late and it seems to go smooth again and lots stronger.

"Have ye not said ye never believed that me Poor Boy did what they said he did?" "Is that the only reason?" "There's another," said Martha. "For in all the world, next to his, ye've the swatest face and way with yez." The old woman's emotions rose, and her brogue became heavier and heavier upon her, until her words lost all semblance of meaning.

To think of her mother sunning herself again upon the battlemented terrace, or sleeping if only as guest in the great panelled bedroom, brought a lump to her throat; her poor tenantry, too, should bless her name; she would glide among them like a spirit, very sad, yet with such healing in her smile and in her touch. "Sure the misthress is the swatest angel God iver sint, so she is."

At the sight of the bluecoat the domestic wilted and began to sob. "Ohone! Ohone! don't take me to prison!" she wailed. "You prefer to answer?" "Yis, if Oi must. But Oi think Miss Margaret the swatest little lady " "Never mind that. When did the girl and her stepmother quarrel last? Come now, tell me the plain truth," and the coroner put as much of sternness as possible in his voice.

"My blissing on you, doctor! It's the mighty proud man ye'll be entoirely to be saving the life of the swatest woman in the world. And whisha, Sister, if ye have a nip of something neat anywhere handy, faith it isn't my cloth will prevent me from drinking the health of everybody."

"An' sure she'll be throwin' up ivery blessed thing she'll ate for the next year," she said. "If I could only right side up her stomach. I wonder if an orange would do it;" and counting her little stock of money six shillings in all she took a few pennies, and going to the stewardess, bade her buy two of the finest and swatest oranges in the butler's pantry." "Here, honey!