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The canary fluted on, and from beyond the mulberry trees there floated the droning voice of an aged negress, in tatters and a red bandanna turban, who persuasively offered strawberries to the silent houses. "I'se got sw-eet straw-ber'-ies! I'se got swe-e-t str-aw-ber'-ies! Yes'm, I'se got sw-e-et straw-ber'ies des f'om de coun-try!"

"I am not at all inclined to go mad, though I am certainly very much excited. It is difficult to describe my feelings. I can't realise it yet, and feel all " "Jumbled up!" suggested Agatha sympathetically. "Of course you do. I should myself. Oh, Lil, do have them in yellow! I've been thinking about it all the afternoon, and I think yellow would be sw-eet! With bouquets of daffodils!

Then his very first impression of her as "a sort of white Topsy" recurred to him suddenly and flashed into speech. "Mary Ann, I don't believe you know how you came into the world. I dare say you 'specs you growed." "No, sir," said Mary Ann gravely; "God made me." That shook him strangely for a moment. But the canary sang on: "Sw-eêt. Sw-w-w-w-w-eêt." And so it was settled.

Then his very first impression of her as "a sort of white Topsy" recurred to him suddenly and flashed into speech. "Mary Ann, I don't believe you know how you came into the world. I dare say you 'specs you growed." "No, sir," said Mary Ann, gravely; "God made me." That shook him strangely for a moment. But the canary sang on: "Sw-eet. Sw-w-w-w-w-eet." And so it was settled.