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With the instinct of hospitality, which is a very marked element of the Cherokee nature, one of them signed with a free and open gesture to the boat. "Beaucoup marchez!" he said, smiling with an innocent suavity like a child, "Svim!" He did not mean literally "swim," and to offer them the facilities of the Tennessee River for that purpose, although this might have been inferred.

He say, 'How I look at your voman an' de kids in de face, vhen I gets back vidout you? So he lets go and my end sink deep so I let go an' vos fighting to keep up but he grab me and say to take holt of his shoulter. He swear he trown vid me if I don't. So I done it, ma'am, and he svim, svim turriple hard, draggin' me ashore.

"No," said Barnabas, "it was you who really saved him." "V'y, I'm as glad as you think so, sir, only d'ye see, I can't svim, and it vos 'im as pulled me out. And it all come along of 'im losing 'is 'and come nigh to breaking 'is 'eart to be discharged, it did." "Poor fellow!" said Barnabas, "and how did he lose his hand?"

Him Hugo he svim like a otter, he do, but me I svim like a stone. De shore he ban couple hundret yard off, mebbe leetle more. I hold on to de bow and Hugo he grab de stern. So he begin push for shore, svimmin' vid his feet, but dat turriple slow going, vid de canoe all under vater, yoost holdin' us up a bit, and it vos cold, awful turriple cold in dat vater.