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I had gone out with my maid, said Suzanne, and the rain has surprised us. Do not go farther. Shelter yourselves under my door. It is an April shower; it will soon have passed. At the same time he went down the steps before the house and took Suzanne's hand. Never had he felt such boldness.

Then she added in an undertone: "I can do what I like with him, and as yet he has not that!" and she put the nail of a gloved finger under the prettiest of her teeth with the click that is familiarly known to express with peculiar energy: "Just nothing." "You have him safe " "My dear, as yet he has only paid my debts." "How mean!" cried Suzanne du Val-Noble.

In shape she was straight and tall and rounded, light-footed as a buck, delicate in limb, wide-breasted and slender-necked. Her face was rich in hue as a kloof lily, and her eyes ah! no antelope ever had eyes darker, tenderer, or more appealing than were the eyes of Suzanne. Moreover, she was sweet of nature, ready of wit and good-hearted yes, even for the Kaffirs she had a smile.

"I talk calmly of taking your husband from you, when I myself know the bitterness of such partings." "My husband will go where his duty calls him," said Suzanne with charming and simple dignity. "I love him with all my heart, because he is brave and good. He could not leave his comrade, who is also his chief, in the lurch. God will protect him, I know.

Dale's latest thought to whom she proposed to accuse Suzanne of insanity. Help to remove her was to be called. She told this to Suzanne, who simply glared at her. "Get the doctor, mama," she said. "We will see if I have to go that way. But you will rue every step of this. You will be thoroughly sorry for every silly step you have taken." When the carriage arrived, Suzanne refused to get out.

After this he crossed the drift, riding slowly and leading the mule, till shortly after sunrise he came to the outskirts of the town, where Sigwe's watchmen found him and brought him to the chief. "This man is a servant worth having," said Sigwe when he had heard the story. "Let food be given to him and to the beasts." When Zinti had gone Sigwe spoke to Suzanne.

I have never seen anyone quite like you before." It was after this meeting that vague consciousness came to Suzanne that Mr. Witla, as she always thought of him to herself, was just a little more than very nice to her. He was so gentle, so meditative, and withal so gay when he was near her!

Otherwise I shall have to play, and Harry Scarisbrooke is going to come in unexpectedly about nine-fifteen, and I particularly want to be free to talk to him while the others are playing." "Sorry, my dear, no can do," said Suzanne; "ordinary bridge at three-pence a hundred, with such dreadfully slow players as your aunts, bores me to tears. I nearly go to sleep over it."

He went on shaking hands, bowing, smiling, laughing, jesting, making believe himself, but all the while the miracle of the youth and beauty of Suzanne Dale was running in his mind. "What are you thinking about, Eugene?" asked Angela, coming to the window where he had drawn a rocking-chair and was sitting gazing out on the silver and lavender and gray of the river surface in the fading light.

Marcel made a low bow, but as he withdraw, he caught an appealing look from Suzanne. "Look not upon the past with grief, it will not come back; wisely improve the present, it is thine; and go onwards fearlessly and with a strong heart towards the mysterious future." Marcel returned home exceedingly indignant.