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If Israel had possessed the spiritualistic doctrine, which divides man in two parts the body and the soul and finds it quite natural that while the body decays, the soul should survive, this paroxysm of rage and of energetic protestation would have had no existence. But such a doctrine, proceeding from the Grecian philosophy, was not in the traditions of the Jewish mind.

"If you survive," said Mrs Jane solemnly. Millicent looked slightly disconcerted. "Well, Mrs Jane, I was going to tell you but after what Madam said if the young man be respectable I don't know, really this morning, as he was coming into the hall, I thought I really thought he was going to offer to take me by the hand. It gave me such a turn!"

Primitive notions of morals survive in spite of what has been said earlier, in isolated instances, or tend to recur in certain families. Until twelve years ago members of certain families maintained the right to catch fish with a net in Hammersley Lake. Over the line in Connecticut this practice, and that of taking fish with a spear, survive in spite of law.

Dan Boundary is too old in the bones and hates exercise too much to survive the keen air and the bracing employment of Dartmoor if we ever got there," he said ominously. "What do you mean?" demanded Crewe.

They grow from the ground, climbing up a tree, and then running along the branches, and descending again, mount up another tree, or sometimes climb from branch to branch. They often encircle a tree, which, in time, is completely destroyed; while they survive, forming an extraordinary intricate mass of natural cordage on the ground.

Morley has been asked for particulars but has declined to give them. He knows that the list of insolvent Poor Law Boards in Ireland, if once given with particulars, to the British public, would show up the prospects of Home Rule in such a damaging way that 'the cause' would never survive the shock. Why does not the Unionist party bring about this exposure?

So serious was his condition that Mrs. Madison was in despair and scarcely left his side for five long weeks. "Even now," she wrote to Mrs. Gallatin, at the end of July, "I watch over him as I would an infant, so precarious is his convalescence." The rumor spread that he was not likely to survive, and politicians in Washington began to speculate on the succession to the Presidency.

"Still survive?" said the young Scot, completing the sentence which the good knight had left unfinished "ay, still survive, 'To witch the world with noble horsemanship." Everard coloured, for he felt the irony; but not so his uncle, whose simple vanity never permitted him to doubt the sincerity of the compliment. "Are you advised of that?" he said.

"By the marriage articles you could no doubt secure the retention of the half you hold; and if you survive your kinsman, you would enjoy the whole. A most desirable marriage; and, if made, I suppose that would suffice to obtain your cousin's amnesty and grace?" "You say it."

Possibly it would bring back search parties to hunt down the rebels in the hills; perhaps it would just wait and again bomb out the new village when it rose. But searching parties would never find their quarry, and the village would rise again and again, if necessary. And in the end, somehow, Pete knew that the colonists would find a way to survive here and live free as they had always lived.