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So Ann Veronica, enterprising and a little dubious as ever, mingled with the stream of history and wrote her Christian name upon the police-court records of the land. But out of a belated regard for her father she wrote the surname of some one else.

Occasionally the surname is employed in its Irish form, but I have not heard them using the 'Mac' prefix when speaking Irish among themselves; perhaps the idea of a surname which it gives is too modern for them, perhaps they do use it at times that I have not noticed. Sometimes a man is named from the colour of his hair.

After embracing me, he desired me to listen while he read out opposing sentences from the columns of these eminent journals: 'The person calling himself "Roy," whose monstrously absurd pretensions are supposed to be embodied in this self-dubbed surname... The celebrated and courtly Mr. Richmond Roy, known no less by the fascination of his manners than by his romantic history...

I incline myself to this latter view. The three pieces, These uncles and cousins were all present at the sacrifice, and of the same surname as the principal. The feast to them was to show his peculiar affection for his relatives.

To the rector she was presently introduced as Miss Catherine Something he didn't hear the rest of it. Nor did he need to. It was quite plain that her surname, whatever it was, was a very temporary and transitory affair.

It will be remembered that the Convention was composed of many men, who, although distinguished in their time, had not of late been very much known. Each member was introduced by his surname, but in nine cases out of ten, Mr. Lincoln would promptly recall their entire name, no matter how many initials it contained. In several instances he recited the historical reminiscences of families.

"But if you cannot converse without naming me, you may call me Gil for the present," added he, "and if I think proper to take another name at any future period, it shall be with your approbation." "Gil!" said I. "Have you no name but Gil? Or which of your names is it? Your Christian or surname?" "Oh, you must have a surname too, must you!" replied he. "Very well, you may call me Gil-Martin.

The word "trousseau" can be spoken in a woman's presence for many years with no effect, but it is an awful shock when she first really hears it. I felt funny all afternoon as I packed those trunks for the five o'clock train. Yes, the word "trousseau" ought to have a definite surname after it always and that's why my loyalty dragged poor Mr. Carter out into the light of my conscience.

Among other Buddhistic peoples "Gotama" and "Gotama Buddha" are the more frequent designations. It is not easy to account for the rise of the surname Gotama in the Sakya family, as Oldenberg acknowledges. He says that "the Sakyas, in accordance with the custom of Indian noble families, had borrowed it from one of the ancient Vedic bard families." Dr. Dr.

This surname was derived from the troubles caused to him by a bocan a goblin many of whose doings are preserved in tradition. Donald drew his origin from the honourable house of Keppoch, and was the last of the hunters of Macvic-Ronald. His home was at Mounessee, and later at Inverlaire in Glenspean, and his wife belonged to the MacGregors of Rannoch.