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As I continued to thread the tall woods, I could hear from far before me not only the continuous thunder of the surf, but a certain tossing of foliage and grinding of boughs which showed me the sea breeze had set in higher than usual.

We saw three openings on the west range, but in truth very small, and after anchoring nearly opposite to the northern one we went in the boat directly for it. There was a continuous sandy beach the whole way across it, and the surf was running high, so that it was not very easy to land.

Below the base of this fearsome hole roars the cruel surf, ready to engulf a boat which would never be seen more if it was once caught in this deadly eddy." He sat on top of a rock, pointing out at the Sea Monster like a prophet. He has quite black hair which blows around wildly, and he looked very strange sitting up there raving about the cavern.

Didn't I see you in the surf this morning with that shirtwaist drummer from Cincinnati?" "Mr. Eckstein oh, I been meetin' him down here in July for two years. He's a nice fellow an' makes a good livin' but he ain't my style." "Girls are too particular nowadays. Take my Bella why, that girl's had chances you wouldn't believe!

Our tent door fronted the glorious expanse of fresh water, inviting the breeze, and the views of distant Ugoma and Ukaramba, and the Island of Muzimu, whose ridges appeared of a deep-blue colour. At our feet were the clean and well-washed pebbles, borne upward into tiny lines and heaps by the restless surf.

Those seas are breaking over her with frightful force, judging by the amount of surf they send up, and they must soon make an end of her!" "I hope it'll calm down a bit, sir," said Ben Boltrope. "I'm nervous about them timbers for the roof of the house." "Be aisy with you, man," put in Mr McCarthy. "Sure an' all the anxiety in the worruld won't dhrive a pig to market!

It was a pleasant morning, the sun was rising over the notched horizon of the tumbling ocean, the breeze was blowing, the surf on the bar was frothing and roaring cheerily and it was his birthday. The morning, the sunrise, the surf and all the rest were pleasant to contemplate his age was not. So he decided not to contemplate it.

On the bridge, they paused and looked up and down the rapids rushing down the slope in all their wild variety, with the white crests of breaking surf, the dark massiveness of heavy-climbing waves, the fleet, smooth sweep of currents over broad shelves of sunken rock, the dizzy swirl and suck of whirlpools.

Here and there the bright golden trumpets were so massed as to give an effect of bonfires; here and there a vine carried beauty and sweetness to the top of a tall tree, or festooning among the branches resembled a string of lights. The humming of bees was steady and insistent like the roar of far-off surf.

Its rising and falling denoted the long heavy swell of the ocean, and the wash of water began to be more and more audible, as she settled into the sluggish swells. "That sounds like the surf on the reef," continued Paul; "every thing denotes the outside of the rocks." "God send it prove so!" "That is clearly a sea breaking on a rock!