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They must have wondered why it was standing in front of a half-built house. Somebody may have actually seen the burglars loading it, though it was so early in the morning. Bonavent had better inquire at every house in the street on which that half-built house faces. Did you happen to notice the name of it?" said M. Formery. "It's Sureau Street," said Guerchard.

"No; he was discovered in the cellar of a house in the little by-street of Sureau. Robbers had laid in wait for him in the darkness of night, and cast him bound into a subterranean cave, in order to obtain a heavy ransom. The agents of the bailiff discovered him and liberated him unharmed. If God has so decreed, why may not the same have happened to the Signor Geronimo? You are silent, Mary.

"Oh, this has all been prepared a long while ago. But now I'm really on their track. And after all, I haven't really lost any time. Dieusy wasted no time in making inquiries in Sureau Street; he's been working all this side of the house." Guerchard drew up the blinds, opened the shutters, and let the daylight flood the dim room.

"Well, then," said Guerchard. "Perhaps you're right," said the Duke. Guerchard turned to Dieusy and said, in a quieter voice, "And when the scavenger had picked up the cigarette, did he follow the motorist?" "Yes, he followed him for about a hundred yards. He went down into Sureau Street, and turned westwards. Then a motor-car came along; he got into it, and went off."

In the Sureau Cave in Belgium, in that of Aurignac in France, and Brixham in England, have been found complete skeletons of the URSUS SPELAEUS, which bad evidently been dragged in with the flesh still on them, for all the bones are in their natural position.