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Old Ham was a sure-thing packer, like myself, and let speculating alone, never going into the market unless he had the goods or knew where he could get them; but when he did plunge into the pit, he usually climbed out with both hands full of money and a few odd thousand-dollar bills sticking in his hair.

I never could see any good in shaking down the rubes for all the money they had and then taking part of it. He used to run the privilege car, you know." Laura looked puzzled. "Privilege car?" she echoed. "Yes," he went on, "had charge of all the pick-pockets dips we called 'em sure-thing gamblers and the like. Made him rich. I kept sort o' on the level and I'm broke.

Don't let it get out of your heads that you're our real, sure-thing mascots. Why, if it hadn't been for you six youngsters we probably wouldn't be playing football any more this season." Other members of the squad tried to ply their persuasive powers, but all in vain.

Uh course, I aim to beat him to it, but Happy never does like to have a sure-thing. He wants something to hang his jaw down over. Put your money on Billy and watch it fade away, Happy." "Aw, gwan. I betche that there sorrel " "I rode that there sorrel once, and combed his forelock with both spurs alternate," Andy lied boldly. "He's pickings. Take him back and bring me a real hoss."

He worked down Yuma way and over into New Mexico, where he picks up with a sure-thing gambler, and the two begin to devastate the population. They do say when he and his running mate got good and through with that part of the Land of the Brave, men used to go round trading guns for commissary, and clothes for ponies, and cigars for whisky and such. There just wasn't any money left anywhere.

You an' me an' 'Mary-go-round' that was what we called the marshal, him being so much all over the country 'you an' me an' Mary-go-round will have to stock a sure-thing deck against that maverick. "So the three of us gets together an' has a talky-talk, an' we lays it out as how Cock-eye must be watched and caught red-handed.

I'll bet you this forty-six against ten that I've another job before midnight." Mr. Cleve grinned. "Always looking for sure-thing bets! Better hail that bumboat with the vegetables to row you into town. The old man'll dump you over by hand if he finds you here between now and sundown." "I'll try the launch there. Tell the lad his fare ain't goin' back to Shanghai.

Yes, sir, a fool dog, a pup, a blame yeller pup named Sloppy Weather, did for Cock-eye Blacklock, sporting character, three-card-monte man, sure-thing sharp, killer, and general bedeviler. "You see, it was this way. Over in American Canon, some five miles maybe back of the mine, they was a creek called the American River, and it was sure chock-a-block full of trouts.

"Oh, yes faro excitement; roulette excitement. I never cared for that kind. I've always had the sense to keep out of sure-thing games, even on Wall Street." "But the people " "The people! French apes in fancy waistcoats; Dutch dandies in corsets; women with painted cheeks and pencilled eyebrows whom you're ashamed to look at!" "Some of them are respectable, dad," laughed Sue.

And the first day Safety offers seventy-five a head for these here jack rabbits, which they calmly ignore and go on talking about Liberty Bonds being a good safe investment; and the second day he just cries like a child that he'll pay eighty-five and trust to their honour that he's to have in on this new sure-thing deal.