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George B. Cowper, the Assistant Superintendent, our sincere appreciation for the most praiseworthy manner in which they have discharged the difficult duties falling to them, and our very pleasant relations with them shall be ever held in grateful remembrance; "Resolved, that we have been especially gratified with the highly satisfactory manner in which Mrs. Dore Lyon, the hostess, Mrs.

"Which one?" asked the superintendent of the bearers; "that lace banner over there?" "Yes, that one on the left." "Oh! it is a banner offered by Le Puy. The arms are those of Le Puy and Lourdes linked together by the Rosary. The lace is so fine that if you crumpled the banner up, you could hold it in the hollow of your hand."

That was a joyful night at the little Stirling home, when Mr. Stirling once again looked with restored sight upon the faces of the many friends who respected and loved him. Mr. Stirling, while in the city, had been an invited guest at the home of Mr. Leslie, and the express superintendent had learned a good deal more about his devoted son than he had ever known before.

With a gesture of ill-concealed impatience the Superintendent shrugged the absurd speech aside. "Dr. Faber," she said, "won't you just please assure Miss Malgregor once more that the little Italian boy's death last week was in no conceivable way her fault, that nobody blames her in the slightest, or holds her in any possible way responsible." "Why, what nonsense!" snapped the Senior Surgeon.

Jeremiah had made over to her so much of his share in the business, that she had a right to be considered as a kind of partner; and she had long been the superintendent of that department of goods which were exclusively devoted to women. So her daily presence was requisite for more reasons than one.

"Monsieur Colbert held my cards for me," replied the superintendent, with a similar bitter laugh. "Ah, now I understand; so, so, a new application for funds?" "Yes, and from the king's own lips. It was impossible to ruin a man with a more charming smile. What do you think of it?" "It is clear that your destruction is the object in view." "That is your opinion?" "Still.

In 1914 amendments to the new primary law were made by the Legislature securing the right of women to vote in the primary elections for county superintendent of schools. This right was in doubt the year before and was denied in many counties. Much work was done by the association in acquainting the women of the State with their rights under the new law.

"He has cleared himself by the most execrable of all falsehoods," answered Trudaine. "If his mother could be traced and brought here, her testimony would prove it." "Can you produce any other evidence in support of your allegation?" asked the president. "I cannot." "Citizen Superintendent Danville, you are at liberty to retire.

As the natural head of her family, superintendent of her household, manager of her private affairs, sole CONFIDENTIAL adviser in politics, and only assistant in her communications with the officers of the Government, he is, besides, the husband of the Queen, the tutor of the royal children, the private secretary of the Sovereign, and her permanent minister."

"And you veiled it?" said the superintendent. "No, for so it happened I had one of my men in the crowd; a new recruit from the provinces, one M. Menneville, whom I like very much. He made his way through the press, saying to the joker: 'Mille barbes! Monsieur the false joker, here's a thrust for Colbert! 'And one for Fouquet, replied the joker.