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"Mercy, mercy, Mary Rose!" Miss Thorley said at last. "You must stop. Your head will be completely turned. And we must go home." "Won't you ride back with me?" asked Mr. Jerry. "I have the car. If you will, we have time for a sundae first." Mary Rose's heart all but stopped beating as she waited for Miss Thorley to say they would.

"Mine is about Julia Crosby," began Nora, "and I can tell you in few words. She's engaged to a Harvard man." "Really!" exclaimed Grace delightedly. "Where did you see her, Nora? I didn't know she was at home." "She came home from the mountains yesterday. I saw her in Carlton's, that new confectioner's shop on Main Street. We had a sundae together and she told me all about it.

"You mean the dreams and the scared feeling, once in a while, that I can't swallow. That's nothing. I know now why I was so frightened in my sleep the other night. I told Fred, and he said it was the peach sundae on top of the crazy old movie we saw that evening. Why, Jeanette Peopping had to take a rest cure the year before she was married. Girls are always more nervous than fellows.

Let us lose no time in leaving the sacred precincts of the library for Vinton's. We can make more noise there." After the second sundae all around had been disposed of the society settled down to business. It was decided that the club should be a purely social affair. Arline was chosen for president, Grace for vice-president and Gertrude Wells as secretary and treasurer.

Louise did her best to appear nonchalant as he picked his way carefully across the slippery, wagon-rutted road, and Sid, after a longing glance toward the iron fence which surrounded the home lot, decided to brazen matters out. "'Nother chop-suey sundae?" John sneered as he eyed his rival scornfully. "'Tain't fair, always talking about that," blurted Sid.

"I want a glass of " Once more he stopped and swallowed. His shoulders drooped, and he walked across to the soda fountain. "Well," he said, "I'll take a chocolate sundae." The thought of going back to Julia's party was unendurable, yet a return was necessary on account of his new hat, the abandonment of which he did not for a moment consider.

Kent called several times during the winter, but he never asked Lydia to go to a party nor did any of the other boy friends she saw daily in school boys with whom she chummed over lessons, who told her their secrets, who treated her as a mental equal, yet never asked to call, or slipped boxes of candy into her desk or asked her into a drugstore for a sundae or a hot chocolate.

She moved therefore through her savage land with no greater show of concern than might mark your sauntering to a corner drug-store for a sundae.

Sam would have kicked it, but he merely looked at it and then at me. "Turned virtuous, like everything else around the place. Not that I don't approve of virtue, Minnie, but I haven't got used to putting my foot on the brass rail of the bar and ordering a nut sundae. Hook the money out with a hairpin, Minnie, and buy some shredded wheat in remembrance of me."

Meeting her in Bonestell's, he paid for her chocolate sundae, and on their way up Main Street they stopped in the Library, so that Miss Fanny saw them.