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She was haunted by a painful doubt that if he had not been a very important financier some of those quiet middle-aged Englishmen might have thought him a 'bounder, because of his ruby pin, his summer-lightning waistcoats, and his almond-shaped eyes. It was very unpleasant to be so strongly drawn to a man whom such people probably thought a trifle 'off.

Flares and sudden flashes, that came and went more like summer-lightning than anything else, lit up the whole sky-line, but nearer at hand a steady glow from one or two places showed in the sky. One could distinguish flights of illuminated tracer bullets, and now and again what he took to be Very lights exposed the countryside.

There was an awkward pause, a dreary pause, a horrible pause. Then I thought of something, and looked up into that unyielding face, and said timidly: "Mr. President, I I am embarrassed. Are you?" His face broke just a little a wee glimmer, the momentary flicker of a summer-lightning smile, seven years ahead of time and I was out and gone as soon as it was.

For I had one other reason than my own infatuation, or thought I had. Yes, brief and rapid as our glance at each other had been, I had fancied in her eyes a momentary kindling as they met mine, a warm summer-lightning which seemed for a second to light up for me the inner heaven of her soul. But it was a fancy, for all that? Yes, one of those fancies that are fancies on earth, but facts in heaven.

There was an awkward pause, a dreary pause, a horrible pause. Then I thought of something, and looked up into that unyielding face, and said timidly: "Mr. President, I I am embarrassed. Are you?" His face broke just a little a wee glimmer, the momentary flicker of a summer-lightning smile, seven years ahead of time and I was out and gone as soon as it was.

Immediately overhead, the sail creaked and tugged at its earings, while the wind sang its high clear song round mast and halliards. Juliette turned to look at Barebone. He was standing, ankle deep, in water, leaning backward to windward, in order to give the boat every pound of weight he could. The lambent summer-lightning on the western horizon illuminated his face fitfully.

Immediately overhead, the sail creaked and tugged at its earings, while the wind sang its high clear song round mast and halliards. Juliette turned to look at Barebone. He was standing, ankle deep, in water, leaning backward to windward, in order to give the boat every pound of weight he could. The lambent summer-lightning on the western horizon illuminated his face fitfully.

It was as when we watch summer-lightning playing around the horizon; we have no fear so long as it is not forked. Presently, however, John becomes more personal and direct than ever before. He begins, in no measured terms, to denounce the sin of men in high places, and holds up the dissoluteness which disgraced the court.