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Perhaps, if Robert worked among them, she would gratefully give him her hand. That is, if he said not a word of love. Master Gammon and Mrs. Sumfit were punctual in their return near the dinnerhour; and the business of releasing the dumplings and potatoes, and spreading out the cold meat and lettuces, restrained for some period the narrative of proceedings at the funeral.

Sumfit, she called her "Mother Dumpling," as Dahlia did of old, affectionately, and kissed her, and ran on to Master Gammon, who was tramping leisurely on to the oatfield lying on toward the millholms. "My sister sends you her love," she said brightly to the old man.

You out with your five at interest, compound interest; soon comes another five; treat it the same: in ten years eh? and then you get into figures; you swim in figures!" "I should think you did!" said the farmer, winking slyly. Anthony caught the smile, hesitated and looked shrewd, and then covered his confusion by holding his plate to Mrs. Sumfit for a help.

Sumfit dolorously said, "Often, William dear," and accepted the incontestable truth in deep humiliation of mind. "Save," the farmer continued, "save and store, only don't put your heart in the box." "It's true, William;" Mrs. Sumfit acted clerk to the sermon. Dahlia took her softly by the neck, and kissed her. "Is it love for the old woman?" Mrs.

Sumfit, ran from the room for a single minute; after which she came back smiling with gravely joyful eyes and showing a sedate readiness to eat and conclude the morning meal. What did this mean? The farmer could have made allowance for Rhoda's behaving so, seeing that she notoriously possessed intellect; and he had the habit of charging all freaks and vagaries of manner upon intellect.

Sumfit, "I got that power over him, from doctorin' him, and cookin' for him, I persuaded him to help my poor Dahly in my blessed's need. I'd like him to do it by halves, but he can't." Master Gammon appeared round a corner of the house, his box, draped by his handkerchief, under his arm.

"I've come for my wife," Sedgett said to all her instances. His voice was waxing loud and insolent, and, as it sounded, Mrs. Sumfit moaned and flapped her apron. "Then, how could you have married him?" They heard the farmer's roar of this unanswerable thing, aloft. "Yes how! how!" cried Rhoda below, utterly forgetting the part she had played in the marriage.

A burial had great interest for the old man. "I'll be home for dinner; it'll gi'e me an appetite," Master Gammon said solemnly, and he marched away in his serious Sunday hat and careful coat, blither than usual. After his departure, Mrs. Sumfit sat and discoursed on deaths and burials, the certain end of all: at least, she corrected herself, the deaths were. The burials were not so certain.

You out with your five at interest, compound interest; soon comes another five; treat it the same: in ten years eh? and then you get into figures; you swim in figures!" "I should think you did!" said the farmer, winking slyly. Anthony caught the smile, hesitated and looked shrewd, and then covered his confusion by holding his plate to Mrs. Sumfit for a help.

The manifest evasion and mute declaration that dumpling said "mum" on that head, gave the farmer a quiet glow. "When you are ready to tell me all about my darlin', sir," Mrs. Sumfit suggested, coaxingly. "After dinner, mother after dinner," said the farmer. "And we're waitin', are we, till them dumplings is finished?" she exclaimed, piteously, with a glance at Master Gammon's plate.