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Sulkily he shoulders it, and precedes us to the booking-office. The fares are moderate; eighteen-pence to Greenock, first class: and we understand that persona who go daily, by taking season tickets, travel for much less. The steamers afford a still cheaper access to the sea-side, conveying passengers from Glasgow to Rothesay, about forty-five miles, for sixpence cabin and three-pence deck.

He slouched in sulkily and gazed at Old Whiskers, who was chewing on his tobacco like a ruminative billygoat and pretending to polish the bar.

He leaned sulkily over the railing and listened to it ring and clink down into the darkness, and then, with a brief but vigorous word, he turned and forced in his door with a crash.

Cheerfully, as a matter of course, he continued: "We'll go up to the house an' tell Tolliver it's all settled." She lagged back, sulkily, still protesting. "It's not settled, either. You don't run everything." But in her heart she was afraid he had stormed the last trench of her resistance. Bob Dillon was peeling potatoes outside the chuck tent when he heard a whistle he recognized instantly.

And then, very slowly and sulkily, it retreated, blowing fainter and fainter, but slipping back for a last spiteful gust whenever she thought it finally gone, but at last her head came out from its burrow, and she began cautiously to wipe the sand crust off her face and lashes. "In your eyes?" said a sympathetic voice.

I obeyed, somewhat sulkily I'm afraid. "You see," he added, as we left the building and hurried to the taxi stand near the campus, "the next problem is to identify the particular kind of venom that was used. Besides, I want to know the nature of the spots on the towel you found. They certainly were not of venom. I have my suspicions what they really are."

Its late occupants, fifteen in number, sulkily followed on foot, surrounded by their captors, who, as soon as the town was reached, locked them into the press-room for the rest of the night, it being the captain's intention to put them on board the tender in the Mersey at break of day. In this, however, he was frustrated by a remarkable development in the situation.

I understand that neither you nor your brother have spoken of this extraordinary tale, and I am quite certain that you will not speak of it in the future." "I cannot answer for my brother," she said sulkily. "No, but in his own interest and in yours I trust that you will make him understand that if I hear a word of this I shall hold him to account.

Still, the fish were there, and the "lane," which sulkily glided from the loch towards the distant river, contained some monsters, which took worm after a flood. One misty morning, as I had just topped the low ridge from which the loch became visible, I saw a man fishing from my favourite bench.

That would be quite a feather in any man's hat done fair. And the sheriff, natural enough, he don't want nothing of the kind." "That's it," said Anastacio, amusement in his eyes. "I knew you were a good gunman, Nueces, but I never suspected you of brains before." "What's the matter with that guess?" said Nueces sulkily. "Kid, you're always ridin' me. Don't you try to use any spurs!"