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Crac. Ladies, I must no more endure repulse; I come to be a suiter. Bel. For what? Crac. Why, that you would with Judgment overlooke This lovely countenance. Cla. The hangman shall doe't sooner. Crac. If you knew How many bewtious gentlewomen have sued To have my picture Cla. To hang at their beds head for a memento mori Crac. You would regard it with more curiosity.

If the lover is rich enough and willing to give the sum demanded, he then communicates his wishes to the damsel; but her consent is, by no means, necessary to the match; for if the parents agree to it, and eat a few kolla-nuts, which are presented by the suiter as an earnest of the bargain, the young lady must either have the man of their choice, or continue unmarried, for she cannot after be given to another.

Eventually everybody was squashed into the Girls' School the officers occupied one of the dormitories, and, though uncomfortable, all had at least shelter from the rain which fell in torrents. At intervals a tremendous roar followed by a crash announced the arrival of what became known as "another toute suiter"; fortunately no one was hurt.

I shall inculcate your desires unto him. Enter Thorowgood. Tho. Madam, theres one brings a sad message to you. Lady. From whome, I pray you. Tho. From two friends of yours Your cruelty has murdred, Lady. My cruelty Never extended to that horrid height, Not to my foes. Who are they? Tho. Your daughter, The innocent Belisia, and my friend, Her worthy suiter, Bonvill. Lady.

My daughters wills are not in my command: If you can purchase either of their hearts, My free consent shall follow. Sir Geff. Nay, then, they will fall out for me, Madam, I am most fortunate in atcheiving virgins. Enter Bonville. Save you, sweet youth, the bewties of your Mrs. Crowne your desires. Are you a suiter? Bon. Madam, I have occasions of importance Wishes a little privacy with you. Lady.

Thus every Jack sticks to his own Jill; every tinker esteems his own trull; and the hob-nailed suiter prefers Joan the milk-maid before any of my lady's daughters. These things are true, and are ordinarily laughed at, and yet, however ridiculous they seem, it is hence only that all societies receive their cement and consolidation.

Parents frequently betroth their daughters in infancy, and never consult their wishes respecting marriage; if no previous pledge be given, they are disposed of to the first suiter that chances to make the application. From their twentieth year, the usual period of marriage, the lives of the women, says Cranz, are a continued series of hardships and misery.

Faith, no, Sir; but they are, for the most part, what's as good, very proud and promising, Sir, most liberal of their Word to every fauning Suiter, to purchase the state of long Attendance, and cringing as they pass; but the Devil of a Performance, without you get the Knack of bribing in the right Place and Time; but yet they all defy it, Sir. Doct. Just, just, as 'tis here.