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"No sarcasm, if you please; not everybody can share your taste for princesses, who make you go a hundred leagues to follow them and then upon your arrival, only give you the tip of a glove to kiss. Such intrigues are not to my fancy. Je suis sergent, Brave " "Again, I say, will you stop that noise?

I know very well that the Reformed Churches have been far from going those cruel lengths which are authorised by the doctrine as well as example of that of Rome, though Calvin put a flaming sword on the title of a French edition of his Institute, with this motto, "Je ne suis point venu mettre la paix, mais l'epee;" but I know likewise that the difference lies in the means and not in the aim of their policy.

There is quite sufficient of the erratic and unusual in the character of Glahn, the hero, but the tone is more subdued. The madcap youth of genius has realized that the world looks frigidly at its vagaries, and the secretly proud "au moins je suis autre" more a boast than a confession gives place to a wistful, apologetic admission of the difference as a fault.

While the little young men smiled, approved and loudly applauded, the old ambassador to whom the interests of a people were entrusted, hummed in a low tone, amid the noise of the reception: "Aoh! aoh! Je suis mélède, Bien mélède! Très mélède!" Guy de Lissac shrugged his shoulders. He had heard a great deal of this man. This diplomat of the chansonnette evoked his pity. Where was he then?

"Mon Dieu!" murmured Frances, opening her large eyes and lifting her distinctly arched brows; "c'est qu'il fait des compliments! je ne m'y suis pas attendu." She smiled, half in ire, half in mirth, curtsied with foreign grace, and so they parted. No sooner had we got into the street than Hunsden collared me.

"Ah! j'en suis bien aise," said Montcalm, taking Duncan familiarly by the arm, and leading him deep into the marquee, a little out of ear-shot; "je déteste ces fripons-l

Byzantium worked woe to the elder sister of whom she was jealous. Under the infamous treasons of Rufinus and Eutropius, the words might have been uttered with even fuller truth than in their original application "Suis et ipsa Roma viribus ruit". Thus Alaric first took Rome. But he did not take the Primacy.

It seems so coxcomblike, so like what our friend Leandro would say; but I may say it to you. The fact is, I have a kind of idea that that poor Bianca was inclined to like me. She cried when I told her- " "Aha, j'y suis! Now I begin to be able to fathom the depth of a woman's generosity.

"Il parait que j'avais encore besoin de repos, car aujourd'hui je suis tres fatigue. J'espere que lundi j'irai mieux; un ou deux jours de repos me sont necessaires: voila tout. Je n'ai point de surexcitation cerebrale; je dors bien et je me repose pleinement, ce qui ne doit pas tarder a retablir mes forces. Je souffre d'etre seul. Mr.

"Tu etais mechant, n'est ce-pas?" I whispered consolingly; "mais tu seras sage demain, j'en suis sure!" I thought this very pretty, but he wriggled from under my benevolent hand, saying "Va!"