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It is simply to be white-hot in purpose and stone-cold in self-criticism at the same instant of time. Bar Meredith, who is quite sui generis, and Rudyard Kipling, whose characteristics will be dealt with later on, Hall Caine has less of the mark of his predecessors upon him than any of his contemporaries. His work has grown out of himself.

The only figure visible there was that which lay sprawled face-downward on the ground close to the inner door of the port-lock. The figure seemed to have been stricken down in sudden death. It was clad in the trim yellow smock of a coolie of Ku Sui. It was limp, its arms and legs spreadeagled, and it lay there as mute evidence that the dome of the asteroid had been attacked.

Not merely deserved, but earned, attained. For the subj. after quanquam, cf. note, 35. Agrippinenses. From Agrippina, daughter of Germanicus and wife of Claudius. Ann. 12, 27. Now Cologne. Conditoris. Conditor with the earlier Latins is an epicene, conditrix being of later date. Here used of Agrippina. Of course sui cannot agree with conditoris.

The question he maintained was one which lawyers alone were competent to understand, and he also maintained that the majority of the House ought to accept their views. "The question" said he "is sui generis." I was opposed to the bill. At that time Richard Fletcher, then recently a member of Congress, had been engaged in a controversy with the Boston Atlas, a leading organ of the Whig Party.

For the purpose of this inquiry, it is practically important to consider whether the feeling itself, of justice and injustice, is sui generis like our sensations of colour and taste, or a derivative feeling, formed by a combination of others.

Scant, however, as may be the amount of direct worship accorded to the Supreme God, compared with that received by subordinate spiritual powers, yet it is sui generis, and of an infinitely higher order.

He cried out for encouraging the Danes and Swedes, and foreigners of every kind, to come and take away our produce. In fact he was for a Navigation Act reversed. "June 11. Attended at the hall as usual. "Mr. Ralph Izard and Mr. Butler opposed the whole of the drawbacks in every shape whatever. "Mr. We were a new Nation, and had no business for any such regulations a Nation /sui generis/. "Mr.

He knew that voice. He walked over and put his hands on his friend's shoulders. "Carse!" he exclaimed. "Thank God, you're alive!" "And you," said the Hawk. Ku Sui interrupted. "I am most glad, honored Master Scientist," he said in the flowery Oriental fashion that he affected in his irony, "to welcome you here. For me it is a memorable occasion.

'Credo in Dominum' were the words this monk wrote in the dust of the high-road, as he lay a-dying there of Cavina's dagger; and they, according to the Dominican record, were presently washed away by his own blood 'rapida profusio sui sanguinis delevit professionem suoe fidei. Yet they had not been written in vain.

II. That when they are quoted, or alluded to, they are quoted or alluded to with peculiar respect, as books 'sui generis'; as possessing an authority which belonged to no other books, and as conclusive in all questions and controversies amongst Christians. III. That they were, in very early times, collected into a distinct volume.