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I have faith in those eyes of his, suhs." "But that is scarcely fair, sir, when I am risking nothing," I protested. "Go ahead, suh; go ahead," he urged. "It is just a sporting proposition foh general entertainment." "And I'll bet you a dollar on the side that you don't spot the ace," the dealer baited. "Come now. Make it interesting for yourself."

"If you will give me the pleasure of taking supper with me at some good place " I suggested, as they pursued me into the street. "We can't talk this over while we're dry," the Colonel objected. "That is a human impossibility. Let us libate, suhs, in order to tackle our provender in proper spirit." "And no lemonade goes this time, either," Bill declared.

Lemme tell you-all somethin', jest to show what kind o' a heart that child had, suhs." With a loving and mothering motion she moved the bright curl about and about her hard finger. She spoke half intimately, half garrulously; and from the curl she would lift her faded eyes to the Butterfly Man's.

To give a nigger a few more years of freedom when, likely as not, he don't want it; and Berry Hamilton's life in prison has proved nearer the ideal reached by slavery than anything he has found since emancipation. Why, suhs, I fancy I see him leaving his prison with tears of regret in his eyes." Old Horace was inanely eloquent for an hour over his pet theory.

As the slip-cover came off and revealed the red and green and purple design, Polly glanced at Sary to see the effect made. "Oh, laws! Ah never see'd sech a sofy! Ain't it grand?" breathed Sary, lost in admiration. "Sary, it opens, too!" announced Polly, condescendingly pulling at the strap that moved the spring to turn the half into a low bed. "Well, suhs! What next?