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It was a good thing that Martha Ann Jackson had the innate politeness of her race well to the fore when she opened the door upon the radiant creature, or she would have given voice to the words that were in her heart: "Good Lawd, what is dis?" "Is this the residence of Mr. Isaac Jackson?" in the stranger's suavest voice. "Yes, suh, he live hyeah." "May I see him?

"I mean: Who does he belong to?" "Mus' be Miss Julia's. I reckon he is, so fur." "What! She knows I don't allow dogs on the place." "Yessuh." Mr. Atwater's expression became more outraged and determined. "You mean to say that somebody's trying to give her another dog after all I've been through with " "It look that way, suh." "Who did it?"

"'No, suh, I didn't intend to shoot. Not if he had gone off straight. But he wriggled and twisted like a rattlesnake, and I just couldn't resist, suh. Then I sent m'nigger Ephum to tell him not to let me catch sight of him 'round the Planters' House. Yes, suh, that's what he was. One of these damned Yankees who come South and go into nigger-deals and politics." Mr.

Them was the words you used 'fritterin'' and 'vain foolishment. Mebbe you're right, suh, about the fritterin' part; but ef spendin' money in a certain way gives a man ez much pleasure ez it's give me these last two months, and ef the money is his'n by rights, I figger it can't be so very foolish; though it may 'pear so to some.

After he had put the glass down, Jim still stood beside the bed, looking at him. "Why don't you go, as I tell you, Jim?" Ingolby asked wearily. "I'm goin'" Jim tucked the bedclothes in carefully "I'm goin', but, boss, I jes' want to say dat dis thing goin' to come out all right bime-by. There ain't no doubt 'bout dat. You goin' see everything, come jes' like what you want suh!"

"An' so they ain't nobody seen him sence?" It is Jeff who is speaking. "So they tells me," answers Gumbo. "Ain't nary soul seen hair nur hide of him frum the moment he riz out 'en that ring an' tuk his foot in his hand an' marviled further. Yas, suh, the pertracted meetin' will have to worry 'long the best way it kin 'thout its champion purty man.

People come flying to it from the four quarters of the earth, and the first-comers levy tribute upon them, as the price of standing-room on the magnet!" "I nevah hea'd the real merit and strength and safety of ouah real-estate propositions bettah stated, suh!" said Captain Tolliver ecstatically. Jim stood looking at the General with sober regard. "Go on, General," said he.

Draw up to the fire, suh an', heah, tek this cheer; it's comf'tabler then that'n'," she said hospitably, ejecting a big tortoise-shell cat from the depths of a cushioned rocker which she pulled forward. "My name is Dudley, madam; Abner Dudley," said the guest as he exchanged the straight, split-bottom chair for the rocker.

"No, suh, nobody; en 'e wuz so lonesome I come en look in dis house fuh Miss Nellie, but 'e ent deyyer; en I look in de bush fuh Abram, but I ent see um nudder. En de dawg run to de water en howl en ba'k en ba'k tay I tie um up in de kitchen." "And was the boat tied to the stake this morning?" "Yes, suh; en when I been home long time en git scare, den I look en see de boat gone."

Er ef you'd buy Bud, suh, lack you did Unc' Peter, he would n' mind wukkin' fer you, suh, fer Bud is a good wukker we'n folks treats him right; an' he had n' never had no trouble nowhar befo' he come hyuh, suh." "How did he come to be arrested the first time?" asked the colonel.