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Song say he t'ought it vas some of Pud's foolishment he vas teaching dot pig, und didn't no more look at him for a leetle vile. Ven he looked again der pig vas svinging avay oop high by der rope. Den I coom along und see der pig in der gabbages, und I takes me a stick und vallops him goot ofer der hams, und drife him his pen into." "Shucks! Is that all ther story?

Them was the words you used 'fritterin'' and 'vain foolishment. Mebbe you're right, suh, about the fritterin' part; but ef spendin' money in a certain way gives a man ez much pleasure ez it's give me these last two months, and ef the money is his'n by rights, I figger it can't be so very foolish; though it may 'pear so to some.

"Mister Sublette, you jest now said that I was fritterin' away my property on vain foolishment.

"Mister Sublette, you jest now said that I was fritterin' away my property on vain foolishment.

Them was the words you used 'fritterin'' and 'vain foolishment. Mebbe you're right, suh, about the fritterin' part; but ef spendin' money in a certain way gives a man ez much pleasure ez it's give me these last two months, and ef the money is his'n by rights, I figger it can't be so very foolish; though it may 'pear so to some.