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"Grandison," said Dick one morning, after finishing his toilet, "this is the chance of your life to go around among your own people and see how they live. Have you met any of them?" "Yas, suh, I 's seen some of 'em. But I don' keer nuffin fer 'em, suh. Dey 're diffe'nt f'm de niggers down ou' way.

And I don't reckon, suh, that I shall want anyone to talk to me while I'm looking back from the stern of the boat." "Same here," observed Greg, with what was, for him, a considerable display of feeling. Then the boat swept in, and the West Point party went silently aboard. All made their way to the stern on the saloon deck.

But this time we must deal with the older ones. Can you modify those methods, gentle without breaking? A colt with the fire still in him, but saddle-broke, is worth much more—" "I can try. But you have already said, suh, that you don’t allow rough breakin’ here." Drew’s half suspicion crystallized into belief.

"Thank'y, suh, thank'y, Mars' Colonel, an' Miss Laura! An' de Lawd is gwine bless you, suh, you an' my sweet young lady, fuh bein' good to po' folks w'at can't do nuthin' to he'p deyse'ves out er trouble," said Catharine backing out with her apron to her eyes.

The despot of Paradise, despot now only by courtesy of the triumphant genius of modernity, put on his eye-glasses and stared Thomas into respectful rigidity. "Why, bless my soul! if it isn't Captain Gordon's boy! Well, well, you young limb! If you didn't faveh youh good fatheh in eve'y line and lineament of youh face, I should neveh have known you you've grown so. Shake hands, suh!"

"Now the Madeira you sent me this mornin', suh, is a trifle too fruity for my taste. Chad, open a fresh bottle." The owner of the pass-book instantly detected a very decided fruity flavor, but thought he had another wine, which he would send in the morning, that might suit the colonel's palate better.

"And he stole yo' shoat and never paid for him?" he heard his honor say one day in a hog case, where two farmers who had been waiting hours for Tom's coming were plaintiff and defendant. "How did you know it was yo' shoat did you mark him?" "No, suh." "Tie a tag around his neck?" "No, suh." "Well, you just keep yo' hogs inside yo' lot. Too many loose hogs runnin' 'round.

Anstey was developing speed and strategy in the position of quarterback, and, in football matters, was a close confidant of Douglass. "This Prescott muss has given us a bad setback this year," growled Douglass. "It certainly has, suh," agreed the Virginian. "We're certainly going to feel the loss of Prescott and Holmes when we come to face the Navy eleven with such men as Darrin and Dalzell."

"Great Scott!" exclaimed Fletcher, with a brutal laugh; "do you mean to tell me the precious young fool has fallen in love with you?" "Me, suh? If he had, a broomstick an' a spar' rib or so would have been all you'd ever found of him agin.

"Yes, suh; I reckon you're right there," assented the host. "Just a minute ago, before you came over, I was telling Liddie she'd find it middlin' close in church this morning. She's going, though runaway horses wouldn't keep her away from church! I'm not going myself seems as though I'm getting more and more out of the church habit here lately."