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Possessed of inordinate greed, the monk had a mania for amassing wealth, yet what really became of his money was to me always a mystery. Though he would have a balance of a million or so roubles at his bank to-day, yet the day after to-morrow his pass-book showed payments of mysterious sums, which would deplete his funds until often he had perhaps but a single thousand roubles.

You can't have a better index to his affairs with us than you'll find in it. Sellars," he went on, as a clerk appeared, "bring me the late Mr. Herapath's pass-book Mr. Ravensdale has it." The visitors presently gathered round the desk on which Mr. Playbourne laid the parchment-bound book one of a corresponding thickness with the dead man's transactions.

The best known establishments, united in the great group known as the Shansi Bankers, being the government bankers, undertook not only all the remittances of surpluses to Peking, but controlled by an intricate pass-book system the perquisites of almost every office-holder in the empire.

The object of music is to make a cheerful noise, which can be done very well without pencil and paper and the rules of harmony. But Overholt could neither make a cheerful noise, nor draw a holly leaf, nor speak French, nor even understand a pass-book, though he had invented an Air-Motor which would not work, but was a clear evidence of genius.

When people serve the kingdom of heaven with a pass-book in their hands, I should always be afraid lest they should carry the same commercial spirit into their dealings with their fellow-men, which would make a sad and sordid business of this life. There is one more article, however, of happier import.

For Miss Nancy, the night she arrived, had collected all the household accounts, including the highly esteemed pass-book, they were all of the one kind, unpaid, and had dispatched Chad early in the morning to the several creditors with his pocket full of crisp bank-notes. Chad had returned from this liquidating tour, and the full meaning of that trusty agent's mission had dawned upon the colonel.

When people serve the kingdom of heaven with a pass-book in their hands, I should always be afraid lest they should carry the same commercial spirit into their dealings with their fellow-men, which would make a sad and sordid business of this life. There is one more article, however, of happier import. "All these indulgences," it appeared, "are applicable to souls in purgatory."

"I have a power of attorney from Miss Wynne, for that matter," answered Mr. Halfpenny. "Everything of that sort's in my hands." "I'll tell you what, then," said the bank manager, laying his hand on a bell at his side. "You'd better see Jacob Herapath's pass-book. I recently had it posted up to the day of his death, and of course we've retained it until you demanded it.

"There are the numbers of the notes. Of course, I can't see how all this throws any light on the mystery of Herapath's murder, but perhaps you can. Sellers," he continued, turning to the clerk, and beckoning him to look at the pass-book, "find me the cheque referred to there, and bring it here." The clerk returned in a few minutes with the cheque, which Mr.

"We've made slightly more than that, with two good railroad jobs behind us," Tom laughed. "And here's our firm pass-book at the bank, Jim. You'll see by it that we have a good deal more than a thousand dollars there. Now, you draw the thousand that the check calls for. When you're through you may have some money left.