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There was a fearful smell of paraffin in hell, enough to suffocate one. And suddenly it all vanished. Fyodor opened his eyes and saw his table, the boots, and the tin lamp. The lamp-glass was black, and from the faint light on the wick came clouds of stinking smoke as from a chimney. Near the table stood the customer in the blue spectacles, shouting angrily: "Fool! Blockhead! Ass!

The better class of Italians keep their apartments as neat as possible. Children of a genial clime, they are fond of heat, and the temperature of their rooms stands at a stage which would suffocate an American. As a general rule, the organ grinders are better off in this country than in their own. Their wants are simple, and they can live with comfort on an amazingly small sum.

The scent of the flower is very sweet, but you want distance on it, because it is so powerful. They are not good bedroom blossoms they might suffocate one in his sleep. We were certainly in the South at last; for here the sugar region begins, and the plantations vast green levels, with sugar-mill and negro quarters clustered together in the middle distance were in view.

If he spent the whole night on the ramparts, there was no one to know or care. It was better than tossing sleepless under a roof. He felt as if a roof would suffocate him. But sheer physical weariness began to oppress even his elastic frame at last. He awoke to the fact that he was dead tired.

But the directing line of work of the treaties has been to break down Germany, to cut her up, to suffocate her. France had but one idea, and later on did not hesitate to admit it: to dismember Germany, to destroy her unity.

On the islands were sea-lions, etc. and such an innumerable quantity of gulls as to darken the air when disturbed, and almost to suffocate our people with their dung. This they seemed to void in a way of defence, and it stunk worse than assafoetida, or what is commonly called devil's dung. Our people saw several geese, ducks, and race-horses, which is also a kind of duck.

Lenore was well aware when they got up on the desert, and the time came when she thought she would suffocate. There appeared to be intolerable hours in which no one spoke and only the hum and creak of the machine throbbed in her ears. She could not see through her veils and did not part them until a stop was made at Palmer.

"'Might we not make a large bag of cocoa-nut cloth, into which I could shove my head, and tie it tight round my neck? he asked, with a haggard smile. 'It might let me get one breath under water! "'No use, said I; 'it would fill in a moment and suffocate you.

If they should be shut in too long, without any opening to let in the fresh air, as in a prison cell, or in the hold of a ship during a storm, the air would become so poisonous as to make them ill, and would even suffocate them and kill them outright.

She examined the stuff, one could see the chair through it, beyond. "What would Alexander say if I were to wear such a thing!" This thought seemed to almost suffocate them both; they looked genuinely pained and shocked. "Of course it would be too tight for you," I said, humbly; "but it is otherwise a very good pattern, and does not tear when one puts up one's arms. Mrs.