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There was silence for a moment. The prince was taken aback by the suddenness of this last reply, and did not know to what he should attribute it. "I don't love you a bit!" she said suddenly, just as though the words had exploded from her mouth. The prince did not answer, and there was silence again.

The strangeness, the suddenness of the thing overwhelmed her so that she could not think of it calmly. He had asked her to think of it, to decide, to give him an answer. Why could she not? She had always, hitherto, known her own mind. If anyone had asked her a question about the estate, about the farm, she had known what to answer, important as the question might have been.

So rapid were their movements, and so startling the suddenness with which they would appear in and vanish from the heart of the country, that the terrified people came to look upon them as possessed of supernatural powers. Their inhuman love of slaughter and their destructive habits added to the terror with which they were viewed.

Now he saw that it had degenerated into a restlessness that appeared to result from a continued waste of nervous energy. She looked older than Juliet, though she was in fact much younger, and her face was drawn and heavily lined as if by years of ill-health. Her physical strength was prodigious; one perceived it with the suddenness of surprise.

Few noticed the change much; none noticed all; and yet there came a night a student's social when with a certain suddenness the whole school, teachers and pupils, realized the newness of the girl, and even Bles was startled.

But I had not even yet given way, when the volume of water fell with an astonishing suddenness, and in little more than five minutes by my watch I could see a foot of the rock clear. At ordinary times the ford was about a foot deep, and even then the rapid incline of the ground sent the shallow water swirling along at such a pace that it made a horse's foothold on the sliding pebbles precarious.

The tide of darkness flowed on swiftly; and with tropical suddenness a swarm of stars came out above the shadowy earth, while I lingered yet, my hand resting lightly on my ship's rail as if on the shoulder of a trusted friend. But, with all that multitude of celestial bodies staring down at one, the comfort of quiet communion with her was gone for good.

It was one of those tense spaces which are among the greatest terrors of a storm by reason of their suddenness, their stillness, and their suspense. He grasped her hand, and she clung to his as she would have clung to anything that she chanced to touch in her fright.

Galusha came to life with astonishing quickness. "From from Nevada, did you say?" "Um-hm. I remember it real plain now. You see, it kind of caught my eye as I was sortin. We don't never get much mail from Nevada not in this office we don't never hardly. So when I see... Well, my good land!" The exclamation was caused by the unceremonious suddenness of Mr. Bangs' exit.

Wherefore, waving other things, I shall here only present you with a few short hints concerning the manner of his downfall. There is the downfall, the time of the downfall, and the manner of the downfall of Antichrist. The manner of the downfall of Antichrist, may be considered, either with respect to the suddenness, unexpectedness, terribleness, or strangeness thereof.