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"I can't see him now," said the second man in a ton of provocation. The marksman became foul-mouthed and high-voiced in his earnest endeavour to make things plain And suddenly, interrupting him, came a noisy shouting from the substage. "What's going on now," he said, and raised himself on one arm to stare at the stairheads in the central groove of the stage.

"I can't see him now," said the second man in a tone of provocation. The marksman became foul-mouthed and high-voiced in his earnest endeavour to make things plain. And suddenly, interrupting him, came a noisy shouting from the substage. "What's going on now?" he said, and raised himself on one arm to survey the stairheads in the central groove of the stage.

He set up the microscope and plugged in the substage light, then found a well slide and placed a drop of water on it. But examine the drop as he would, using the most powerful magnification, he could see nothing but a bit of brown debris that seemed to be a thread of withered alga. He took another drop from the coke bottle and tried again with similar results.

Finally he said, "Well, it isn't cement, and it isn't fertilizer. It's an inorganic substance. I suggest the microscope, Rick. It will at least give us a clue to its structure, if not its identity." Rick spread a small amount on a slide, switched on the substage light, and put the slide on the stage.

It arrived with a rattle of windows and the flash of lightning, followed by thunder that reverberated among the mountains endlessly. The rain came in blinding sheets, covering the windows with a steady flow of water that blocked all vision. Rick set up his microscope on the kitchen table and plugged in the substage illumination.

He waited, then said, "Tim, I have a little job for you.... No, not that. Just asking a casual question around town.... Tim.... Hello ..." He hung up and turned to the others. "The phone went dead." Rick saw that his substage illumination was out, too. "So did the electricity." Dr. Miller frowned. "It's unusual for both the phone and current to go out at once.

It had its own light source, a substage illuminator, and even an "atomic energy" stage, which was actually a device for viewing the scintillations caused when radioactivity hit a sulfide screen.